%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 20卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 3% P e82% T电子通信中的以病人为中心:评估患者到医疗团队的安全消息传递%A Hogan,Timothy P %A Luger,Tana M %A Volkman,Julie E %A Rocheleau,Mary A Mueller,Nora A Barker,Anna M %A Nazi,Kim M %A Houston,Thomas K %A Bokhour,Barbara G %+医疗组织和实施研究中心,Edith Nourse Rogers纪念退伍军人医院,70号楼(152),贝德福德,MA, 01730,美国,1781 687 3181,timothy.hogan@va.gov %K健康通信%K电子邮件%K患者门户网站%K以患者为中心的护理%K退伍军人%D 2018 %7 08.03.2018 %9原始论文%J J医疗Internet Res %G英文%X背景:随着信息和通信技术在医疗保健组织中得到越来越广泛的实施,患者-提供者电子邮件或异步电子安全消息具有支持以患者为中心的通信的潜力。在退伍军人健康管理局(VA)的医疗家庭模式中,安全消息传递被设想为一种增强访问和加强退伍军人与其医疗保健团队成员之间关系的手段。然而,尽管之前的研究已经检查了患者和医疗保健提供者之间交换的电子信息的内容,但很少有研究关注通过这些信息进行交流的社会情感方面。目的:认识到安全消息传递促进以患者为中心的护理目标的潜力,本分析的目标不仅是了解患者和医疗保健团队成员交换安全消息的原因,而且还研究这些消息中产生的社会情感基调。方法:我们对8个VA设施的患者和医疗团队成员之间超过6个月的安全信息交换的语料库进行了横断面编码评估。我们确定了医疗记录显示包含至少2条消息的安全消息线程的患者,并对这些线程进行了随机抽样。借鉴以往关于异步患者-提供者电子通信分析的文献,我们开发了一个编码方案,包括一系列先验患者和医疗保健团队成员代码。三个团队成员在消息的一个子集上测试了该方案,然后独立地对消息线程示例进行了编码。 Results: Of the 711 messages coded from the 384 messaging threads, 52.5% (373/711) were sent by patients and 47.5% (338/711) by health care team members. Patient and health care team member messages included logistical content (82.6%, 308/373 vs 89.1%, 301/338), were neutral in tone (70.2%, 262/373 vs 82.0%, 277/338), and respectful in nature (25.7%, 96/373 vs 33.4%, 113/338). Secure messages from health care team members sometimes appeared hurried (25.4%, 86/338) but also displayed friendliness or warmth (18.9%, 64/338) and reassurance or encouragement (18.6%, 63/338). Most patient messages involved either providing or seeking information; however, the majority of health care team member messages involved information provision in response to patient questions. Conclusions: This evaluation is an important step toward understanding the content and socioemotional tone that is part of the secure messaging exchanges between patients and health care team members. Our findings were encouraging; however, there are opportunities for improvement. As health care organizations seek to supplement traditional encounters with virtual care, they must reexamine their use of secure messaging, including the patient centeredness of the communication, and the potential for more proactive use by health care team members. %M 29519774 %R 10.2196/jmir.8801 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2018/3/e82/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.8801 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29519774