%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 21卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 11% P e13579% T支持青少年慢性疾病自我管理和过渡的移动和基于web的应用程序:系统回顾%A Virella Pérez,Yisselle Ilene %A Medlow,Sharon %A Ho,Jane %A Steinbeck,Katharine %+威斯特米德儿童医院,青少年医学学术部,霍克斯伯里角路和海恩斯沃斯街,锁袋4001,威斯特米德,新南威尔士,2145,澳大利亚,61 2 9845 2507,yisselle.virella@gmail.com %K青少年%K移动应用%K网络应用%K慢性疾病%K自我管理%K过渡到成人护理%D 2019 %7 20.11.2019 %9回顾%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:越来越多患有慢性身体疾病的青少年进入成年,他们需要发展熟练的自我管理技能,以在过渡到成人护理服务时保持最佳的身体健康。通常在这一脆弱的过渡时期,疾病控制的恶化被视为自我管理技能不足和对慢性疾病了解不足的结果。移动技术已被提出作为一种创新机会,以协助改善慢性病的管理,因为年轻人过渡到成人护理服务。在过去的5年里,对健康相关应用的使用的研究有了显著的增长。目的:本研究旨在评估支持患有慢性身体健康疾病的年轻人自我管理和过渡的移动和基于web的健康应用程序的效用和有效性。方法:我们对5个书目数据库的文献进行了全面综述,使用关键检索词,只考虑2013年发表的文章,因为我们扩展了之前2篇系统综述的数据。摘要由2名审稿人筛选是否可能纳入。采用数据提取和质量评估工具对纳入的研究进行评价。 Results: A total of 1737 records were identified from the combined electronic searches, and 854 records were removed as duplicates. A total of 68 full articles were further assessed for eligibility, and 6 articles met our review criteria: 3 pilot studies, 2 randomized controlled trials, and 1 prospective cohort study. Publication years ranged from 2015 to 2018. The apps reported were targeted at type 1 diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, asthma, beta thalassemia major, and sickle cell disease, with a combined sample size of 336. A total of 4 studies included in this review reported being effective in increasing knowledge of the targeted condition and increasing therapy adherence, including increased medication adherence. A total of 2 manuscripts only mentioned the word transition. Participant’s satisfaction was reported for all studies. Heterogeneity of the studies prevented meta-analysis. Conclusions: There remain limited data on the effectiveness and use of mobile and Web-based apps, which might facilitate the transition of adolescents with chronic illnesses from pediatric to adult health care services. This systematic review provides an updated overview of available apps for adolescents with chronic illnesses. This systematic review has been unable to provide evidence for effectiveness of this approach, but it does provide insights into future study design, with reference to the development, evaluation, and efficacy of apps tailored for adolescents with chronic illnesses, including the involvement of adolescents in such designs. Trial Registration: PROSPERO CRD42018104611; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=104611 %M 31746773 %R 10.2196/13579 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2019/11/e13579/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/13579 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31746773