新千年JMIR出版物文章中“数字健康”作为关键字的趋势和可见性:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析参考文献-文献计量学分析%A Ahmadvand,Alireza %A Kavanagh,David %A Clark,Michele %A Drennan,Judy %A Nissen,Lisa %+昆士兰科技大学卫生学院临床科学学院,布里斯班,4000,澳大利亚,61 731384404,l.nissen@qut.edu.au %K文献计量学%K综述文献%K JMIR Publications %K远程医疗%D 2019 %7 19.12.2019 %9原始论文%J J Med Internet Res %G English %X卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析数字健康已成为现代社会卫生保健系统中的一种进步现象。在过去的二十年中,各种数字健康选择、技术和创新已经被引入;其中许多仍在接受全球研究人员的调查和评估。然而,主要相关期刊发表的以“数字健康”为关键词反映该主题的同行评议出版物的实际趋势和可见度仍有待量化。目的:对以“数字健康”为关键词发表在JMIR Publications期刊上的文章进行文献计量学分析。卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析我们评估了这些研究出版物的趋势、主题和引用,以确定JMIR出版物期刊在发表数字健康文章方面的重要份额和贡献。卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析方法:检索2000年1月至卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析2019年8月期间发表的所有JMIR出版物期刊的英文文章,其中作者在其研究中关注、利用或讨论了数字健康,并将“数字健康”作为关键字。此外,使用哈佛临床与转化科学中心免费提供的Profiles研究网络软件进行了书目-文献计量分析。 Results: Out of 1797 articles having “digital health” as a keyword, published mostly between 2016 and 2019, 277 articles (32.3%) were published by JMIR Publications journals, mainly in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. The most frequently used keyword for the topic was “mHealth.” The average number of times an article had been cited, including self-citations, was above 2.8. Conclusions: The reflection of “digital health” as a keyword in JMIR Publications journals has increased noticeably over the past few years. To maintain this momentum, more regular bibliographic and bibliometric analyses will be needed. This would encourage authors to consider publishing their articles in relevant, high-visibility journals and help these journals expand their supportive publication policies and become more inclusive of digital health. %M 31855190 %R 10.2196/10477 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2019/12/e10477/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/10477 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31855190