在科研中克服调动集体智慧的障碍卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析具有集体智慧经验的研究人员的定性研究%A Nguyen,Van Thu %A Young,Bridget %A Ravaud,Philippe %A Naidoo,Nivantha %A Benchoufi,Mehdi %A Boutron,Isabelle %+ INSERM, U1153巴黎大学城市研究中心(CRESS)流行病学与生物统计学,慢性病治疗评价方法研究小组(Methods),巴黎,法国,33 142347825,van.nguyen@clinicalepidemio.fr %K集体智慧%K众包%K开放创新%K健康%K研究%K调查%K访谈%D 2019 %7 02.07.2019 %9原文%J J Med Internet Res %G English %X背景:基于集体智慧的概念,最近出现了创新的规划和开展研究的方式。集体智慧被定义为共享智慧,当人们在组织内部或外部被动员起来从事一项特定的任务时,这种任务可能比个人单独工作产生更多的创新成果。众包被定义为“接受传统上由指定代理人执行的工作,并以公开征集的形式将其外包给一个未定义的、通常是一大群人的行为。”目的:本定性研究旨在确定动员集体智慧的障碍和克服这些障碍的方法,并为规划和实施跨不同研究学科的集体智慧项目提供良好的实践建议。方法:我们进行了一项跨国在线开放式问题调查和半结构化的录音访谈,有目的的样本研究人员有运行集体智慧项目的经验。问卷有一个互动的组成部分,使受访者能够对他们的同伴的建议进行评级和评论。采用框架法对数据进行专题分析。结果:来自不同研究领域的共82名受访者参与了调查(n=65)或访谈(n=17)。 The main barriers identified were the lack of evidence-based guidelines for implementing collective intelligence, complexity in recruiting and engaging the community, and difficulties in disseminating the results of collective intelligence projects. We drew on respondents’ experience to provide tips and good practice advice for governance, planning, and conducting collective intelligence projects. Respondents particularly suggested establishing a diverse coordination team to plan and manage collective intelligence projects and setting up common rules of governance for participants in projects. In project planning, respondents provided advice on identifying research problems that could be answered by collective intelligence and identifying communities of participants. They shared tips on preparing the task and interface and organizing communication activities to recruit and engage participants. Conclusions: Mobilizing collective intelligence through crowdsourcing is an innovative method to increase research efficiency, although there are several barriers to its implementation. We present good practice advice from researchers with experience of collective intelligence across different disciplines to overcome barriers to mobilizing collective intelligence. %M 31267977 %R 10.2196/13792 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2019/7/e13792/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/13792 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31267977