使用数字技术加强结核病控制;使用数字技术加强结核病控制;卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析scope Review %A Lee,Yejin %A Raviglione,Mario C %A Flahault,Antoine %+日内瓦大学医学院全球健康研究所,9 Chemin des Mines,日内瓦,1202,瑞士,41 765383087,Ye-Jin.Lee@etu.unige.ch %K结核病%K mHealth %K eHealth %K医学信息学%D 2020 %7 13.2.2020 %9 Review %J J Med Internet Res %G English %X背景:结核病是单一传染性病原体导致死亡的主要原因,2018年报告的死亡人数约为150万人,是全球痛苦的主要原因,每年估计有1000万新病例。在世界卫生组织终止结核病战略和寻求数字创新的背景下,有必要了解世界各地在利用数字技术改善结核病治疗和控制方面的研究进展。目的:本综述的目的是总结利用数字技术加强结核病治疗和控制的研究现状。本研究概述了涵盖这一主题的出版物,并回答了3个主要问题:(1)2016年1月至2019年3月期间,科学文献在多大程度上解决了这一问题,(2)哪些国家一直在投资这一领域的研究,(3)使用了哪些数字技术?方法:在PubMed和Web of Science上进行网络检索。其中包括描述数字技术使用情况的研究,具体涉及结核病、数字健康、电子健康和移动健康等关键词。采用叙述和图解的方法将所选研究的数据综合为4种功能。这些数字卫生干预措施根据两类进行分类,一类是按功能分类,另一类是按目标用户分类。 Results: A total of 145 relevant studies were identified out of the 1005 published between January 2016 and March 2019. Overall, 72.4% (105/145) of the research focused on patient care and 20.7% (30/145) on surveillance and monitoring. Other programmatic functions 4.8% (7/145) and electronic learning 2.1% (3/145) were less frequently studied. Most digital health technologies used for patient care included primarily diagnostic 59.4% (63/106) and treatment adherence tools 40.6% (43/106). On the basis of the second type of classification, 107 studies targeted health care providers (107/145, 73.8%), 20 studies targeted clients (20/145, 13.8%), 17 dealt with data services (17/145, 11.7%), and 1 study was on the health system or resource management. The first authors’ affiliations were mainly from 3 countries: the United States (30/145 studies, 20.7%), China (20/145 studies, 13.8%), and India (17/145 studies, 11.7%). The researchers from the United States conducted their research both domestically and abroad, whereas researchers from China and India conducted all studies domestically. Conclusions: The majority of research conducted between January 2016 and March 2019 on digital interventions for TB focused on diagnostic tools and treatment adherence technologies, such as video-observed therapy and SMS. Only a few studies addressed interventions for data services and health system or resource management. %M 32053111 %R 10.2196/15727 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/2/e15727 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/15727 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32053111