期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 22 %N卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 7 %P e18087 %T将代码带入数据:不要忘记治理%A Suver,Christine %A Thorogood,Adrian %A Doerr,Megan %A Wilbanks,John %A Knoppers,Bartha %+ Sage Bionetworks, 2901 Third Avenue, Suite 330, Seattle, WA, 98121, usa, 1 206 928 8242, cfsuver@gmail.com %K数据管理%K隐私%K道德,研究数据科学机器学习观点在生物医学研究中开发或独立评估算法是困难的,因为临床数据的获取受到限制。由于隐私问题、机构对数据的专有处理(部分原因是数据托管、管理和分发的成本)、对滥用的担忧以及适用监管框架的复杂性,访问受到限制。使用云技术和服务可以解决数据共享的许多障碍。例如,研究人员可以在高性能、安全和可审计的云计算环境中访问数据,而无需复制或下载。访问需要额外保护的数据集的另一种途径是模型到数据的方法。在模型到数据的过程中,研究人员提交算法,在安全的、隐藏的数据集上运行。模型到数据的设计旨在增强安全性和本地控制,同时使研究人员社区能够从隔离的数据中生成新知识。模型到数据尚未广泛实施,但试点已经证明,当技术或法律限制阻止其他共享方法时,它的效用。 We argue that model-to-data can make a valuable addition to our data sharing arsenal, with 2 caveats. First, model-to-data should only be adopted where necessary to supplement rather than replace existing data-sharing approaches given that it requires significant resource commitments from data stewards and limits scientific freedom, reproducibility, and scalability. Second, although model-to-data reduces concerns over data privacy and loss of local control when sharing clinical data, it is not an ethical panacea. Data stewards will remain hesitant to adopt model-to-data approaches without guidance on how to do so responsibly. To address this gap, we explored how commitments to open science, reproducibility, security, respect for data subjects, and research ethics oversight must be re-evaluated in a model-to-data context. %M 32540846 %R 10.2196/18087 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/7/e18087/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/18087 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32540846