美国不同种族和民族对COVID-19的认识、关注和症状的异同:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析横断面调查%A Jones、Jeb %A Sullivan、Patrick S %A Sanchez、Travis H %A Guest、Jodie L %A Hall、Eric W %A Luisi、Nicole %A Zlotorzynska、Maria %A Wilde、Gretchen %A Bradley、Heather %A Siegler、Aaron J %+埃默里大学罗林斯公共卫生学院流行病学系,美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市克里夫顿路1518号,30322,美国,144047122275,jeb.jones@emory.edu %K COVID-19 %K SARS-CoV-2 %K种族%K意识%K关注%K症状%K横截面%K知识%K健康差距%K不平等%D 2020 %7 10.7.2020 %9背景:美国现有的基于种族和民族的健康差距导致了冠状病毒病(COVID-19)大流行期间发病率和死亡率的差异。我们对美国成年人进行了一项在线调查,以评估不同种族和民族在COVID-19症状、对大流行程度的估计、对控制措施的了解和耻辱感方面的异同。目的:本研究的目的是描述美国成年人中不同种族和民族的COVID-19症状、知识和信仰的异同。方法:我们于2020年3月27日至2020年4月1日进行了横断面调查。参与者在社交媒体平台上招募,并在安全的网络调查平台上完成调查。我们使用卡方检验按种族和民族比较与COVID-19相关的特征。使用Holm Bonferroni校正对统计检验进行校正,以解释多重比较。结果:共1435人完成调查; 52 (3.6%) were Asian, 158 (11.0%) were non-Hispanic Black, 548 (38.2%) were Hispanic, 587 (40.9%) were non-Hispanic White, and 90 (6.3%) identified as other or multiple races. Only one symptom (sore throat) was found to be different based on race and ethnicity (P=.003); this symptom was less frequently reported by Asian (3/52, 5.8%), non-Hispanic Black (9/158, 5.7%), and other/multiple race (8/90, 8.9%) participants compared to those who were Hispanic (99/548, 18.1%) or non-Hispanic White (95/587, 16.2%). Non-Hispanic White and Asian participants were more likely to estimate that the number of current cases was at least 100,000 (P=.004) and were more likely to answer all 14 COVID-19 knowledge scale questions correctly (Asian participants, 13/52, 25.0%; non-Hispanic White participants, 180/587, 30.7%) compared to Hispanic (108/548, 19.7%) and non-Hispanic Black (25/158, 15.8%) participants. Conclusions: We observed differences with respect to knowledge of appropriate methods to prevent infection by the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Deficits in knowledge of proper control methods may further exacerbate existing race/ethnicity disparities. Additional research is needed to identify trusted sources of information in Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black communities and create effective messaging to disseminate correct COVID-19 prevention and treatment information. %M 32614778 %R 10.2196/20001 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/7/e20001/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/20001 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32614778