美国患者经历中的种族和民族差异:美国患者经历中的种族和民族差异卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析Twitter 4年内容分析%A Hswen,Yulin %A Hawkins,Jared B %A Sewalk,Kara %A Tuli,Gaurav %A Williams,David R %A Viswanath,K %A Subramanian,S V %A Brownstein,John S %+加州大学旧金山分校流行病学与生物统计学系,美国加利福尼亚州旧金山16街550号,1617775 1889,yhswen@gmail.com %K种族差异%K种族%K患者体验%K政策%K社交媒体%K数字流行病学%K健康的社会决定因素%K健康差异%K健康不公平%D 2020 %7 21.8.2020 %9背景:与一般人群相比,种族和少数民族群体往往面临更差的患者体验,这与这些少数民族人群中较差的健康结果直接相关。由于在传统的卫生保健调查中缺乏代表性,对种族和少数民族群体的患者经验进行评估一直很困难。目的:本研究旨在评估Twitter在2013年至2016年美国患者体验中识别种族和民族差异的可行性。方法:2013 - 2016年共收集美国851973条包含地理位置信息的患者体验推文。患者体验推特包括与在医院、紧急护理或任何其他医疗机构接受护理相关的讨论。使用普通最小二乘多元回归对2013年至2016年期间患者体验情绪和种族和族裔群体进行建模,并与2014年实施的“患者保护和平价医疗法案”(ACA)有关。结果:Twitter用户的种族和民族分布与美国人口普查局2016年开始的5年调查的人口估计高度相关(r2=0.99;P <措施)。 From 2013 to 2016, the average patient experience sentiment was highest for White patients, followed by Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian/Alaska Native patients. A reduction in negative patient experience sentiment on Twitter for all racial and ethnic groups was seen from 2013 to 2016. Twitter users who identified as Hispanic/Latino showed the greatest improvement in patient experience, with a 1.5 times greater increase (P<.001) than Twitter users who identified as White. Twitter users who identified as Black had the highest increase in patient experience postimplementation of the ACA (2014-2016) compared with preimplementation of the ACA (2013), and this change was 2.2 times (P<.001) greater than Twitter users who identified as White. Conclusions: The ACA mandated the implementation of the measurement of patient experience of care delivery. Considering that quality assessment of care is required, Twitter may offer the ability to monitor patient experiences across diverse racial and ethnic groups and inform the evaluation of health policies like the ACA. %M 32821062 %R 10.2196/17048 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/8/e17048/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/17048 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32821062