与福岛核电站事故相关的福岛情绪变化——谣言如何决定人们的态度卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析社交媒体情感分析%长谷川,Shin %铃木,tepei %山原,Ayako %神田,玲子,Aono,Tatsuo %矢岛,Kazuaki,小笠原,Katsuhiko %+北海道大学健康科学学院,N12-W5,北海道,札幌,060-0812,日本,81 11 706 3409,oga@hs.hokudai.ac.jp %K福岛核事故%K推特消息传递%K辐射%K放射性%K放射性危害释放%K信息传播%K相信谣言%K灾难医学%K信息流行病学%K信息监测%K信息流行病学%D 2020 %7 2.9.2020 %9原文% jj Med互联网Res %G英文%X背景:2011年3月11日,东京电力公司(TEPCO)福岛第一核电站事故是由东北太平洋沿岸的地震引起的,此后公众对辐射的兴趣上升。大众媒体传播了有关事故和辐射的各种报道,人们在Twitter、Facebook等社交网站上表达了他们的情绪反应,这些反应被认为与福岛事故的信息有关。对辐射的担忧也在蔓延,导致了有关福岛的有害谣言,以及拒绝对儿童进行辐射检测。人们相信,确定人们对这一信息的情感反应过程,从而对福岛事件产生越来越强烈的厌恶情绪,可能有助于未来发生类似灾难和事故时的风险沟通。很少有研究以公正的方式调查人们对福岛和其他地区辐射的感受。目的:本研究的目的是确定当地居民对辐射的感受如何随着Twitter而变化。方法:我们使用了在福岛核事故发生后的一年时间里,在Twitter上发布的大约1900万条包含“辐射”、“放射性”和“放射性物质”等词的日语推文。 We used regional identifiers contained in tweets (ie, nouns, proper nouns, place names, postal codes, and telephone numbers) to categorize them according to their prefecture, and then analyzed the feelings toward those prefectures from the semantic orientation of the words contained in individual tweets (ie, positive impressions or negative impressions). Results: Tweets about radiation increased soon after the earthquake and then decreased, and feelings about radiation trended positively. We determined that, on average, tweets associating Fukushima Prefecture with radiation show more positive feelings than those about other prefectures, but have trended negatively over time. We also found that as other tweets have trended positively, only bots and retweets about Fukushima Prefecture have trended negatively. Conclusions: The number of tweets about radiation has decreased overall, and feelings about radiation have trended positively. However, the fact that tweets about Fukushima Prefecture trended negatively, despite decreasing in percentage, suggests that negative feelings toward Fukushima Prefecture have become more extreme. We found that while the bots and retweets that were not about Fukushima Prefecture gradually trended toward positive feelings, the bots and retweets about Fukushima Prefecture trended toward negative feelings. %M 32876574 %R 10.2196/18662 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/9/e18662 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/18662 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32876574