%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 23%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 10% P e30217% T鉴于COVID-19大流行,卫生保健专业人员的心态:推特语篇的文本分析研究%A Elyashar,Aviad %A Plochotnikov,Ilia %A Cohen,Idan-Chaim %A Puzis,Rami %A Cohen,Odeya %+软件与信息系统工程,内盖夫本-古里安大学,Rager st. POB 653, Beer Sheva, 8410501,以色列,972 544764010,puzis@bgu.ac.il %K卫生保健专业人员%K推特%K COVID-19 %K主题分析%K情感分析%K情感分析%K社交媒体%K机器学习%K主动学习%D 2021 %7 22.10.2021 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:COVID-19大流行影响了全球人群,具有极端的健康、经济、社会和政治影响。卫生保健专业人员是大流行应对的核心,也是保持应对能力的最关键因素之一。然而,他们也容易受到在缺乏资源和复杂个人问题下处理长期紧急情况所造成的心理健康影响。然而,目前缺乏调查HCP人群的纵向研究。目的:本研究的目的是根据COVID-19大流行,分析从大流行开始到2020年底,在Twitter上发表的在线讨论中表达的HCPs的心理状态。方法:本研究的人群是从数百个卫生保健组织的Twitter账户的追随者和共同的HCP兴趣点中选择的。我们使用主动学习(一种迭代使用机器学习和手动数据标记的过程)来选择由讲英语的HCPs维护的大规模Twitter账户,重点关注个人而不是官方组织。我们分析了他们在2020年话语中的主题和情感。 The topic distributions were obtained using the latent Dirichlet allocation algorithm. We defined a measure of topic cohesion and described the most cohesive topics. The emotions expressed in tweets during 2020 were compared to those in 2019. Finally, the emotion intensities were cross-correlated with the pandemic waves to explore possible associations between the pandemic development and emotional response. Results: We analyzed the timelines of 53,063 Twitter profiles, 90% of which were maintained by individual HCPs. Professional topics accounted for 44.5% of tweets by HCPs from January 1, 2019, to December 6, 2020. Events such as the pandemic waves, US elections, or the George Floyd case affected the HCPs’ discourse. The levels of joy and sadness exceeded their minimal and maximal values from 2019, respectively, 80% of the time (P=.001). Most interestingly, fear preceded the pandemic waves, in terms of the differences in confirmed cases, by 2 weeks with a Spearman correlation coefficient of ρ(47 pairs)=0.340 (P=.03). Conclusions: Analyses of longitudinal data over the year 2020 revealed that a large fraction of HCP discourse is directly related to professional content, including the increase in the volume of discussions following the pandemic waves. The changes in emotional patterns (ie, decrease in joy and increase in sadness, fear, and disgust) during the year 2020 may indicate the utmost importance in providing emotional support for HCPs to prevent fatigue, burnout, and mental health disorders during the postpandemic period. The increase in fear 2 weeks in advance of pandemic waves indicates that HCPs are in a position, and with adequate qualifications, to anticipate pandemic development, and could serve as a bottom-up pathway for expressing morbidity and clinical situations to health agencies. %M 34550899 %R 10.2196/30217 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/10/e30217 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/30217 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34550899