%0杂志文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR Publicat卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析ions %V 23% N 10% P e31224 %T用于COVID-19大流行期间远程诊断的基于wi - fi的面具型喉镜:仪器验证研究%A Moon,Youngjin %A Hyun,Jaeho %A Oh,Jeongmin %A Lee,Kwanhee %A Lee,Yoon Se %A Kim,Jun Ki %+生物医学工程研究中心,峨山生命科学研究院,峨山医疗中心,88,松坡区奥林匹克路43吉,韩国首尔,82 230108619,kim@amc.seoul.kr %K基于智能手机的内窥镜%K移动健康%K远程诊断%K连续段%K关节内窥镜%K COVID-19 %K护理点诊断%K验证%K医疗设备%K内窥镜%K传感器%K创新%K视频%K传输%D 2021 %7 18.10.2021 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:由于COVID-19大流行,社交距离已成为强制性的。非接触式检查中的无线内窥镜有望保护医护人员并减少病毒传播。目的:本研究旨在介绍一种采用无线内窥镜面具状的非接触式内窥镜诊断系统。方法:基于wi - fi的非接触式口罩内窥镜系统由一次性内窥镜和控制器组成。首先,在一个模拟口咽壁上的力传感器组成的简单的经口模型中评估插入期间由尖端施加的有效力。其次,通过在直接连接和Wi-Fi连接上比较运动和图像之间的帧速率和延迟来评估视频流中的延迟。第三,将该系统应用于详细的喉咽道假体。结果:成功评价了智能手机控制的无线内窥镜系统。 The mean, maximum, and minimum collision forces against the wall of the transoral model were 296 mN (30 gf), 363 mN (37 gf), and 235 mN (24 gf), respectively. The delay resulting from the wireless connection was 0.72 seconds. Using the phantom, an inexperienced user took around 1 minute to orient the endoscope to a desired area via the app. Conclusions: Device articulation does not pose a significant risk of laryngopharyngeal wall penetration, and latency does not significantly impede its use. Contactless wireless video streaming was successful within the access point range regardless of the presence of walls. The mask endoscope can be controlled and articulated wirelessly, minimizing contact between patients and device operators. By minimizing contact, the device can protect health care workers from infectious viruses like the coronavirus. %M 34518154 %R 10.2196/31224 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/10/e31224 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/31224 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34518154