%0期刊文章@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 23% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 12% P e27307% T关于大麻二酚的个人和商业推文的信息流行病学检查:术语和情感分析%A Turner,Jason %A Kantardzic,Mehmed %A Vickers-Smith,Rachel %+数据挖掘实验室,路易斯维尔大学计算机科学与工程系,东Pkwy 222,路易斯维尔,肯塔基州,40292,美国,1 502 852 6304,jason.turner@louisville.edu %K社交媒体%K社交网络%K文本挖掘%K CBD %K大麻二酚%K大麻%K公共卫生%K药物监管%K推特%K情感分析%K不受管制物质%D 2021 %7 20.12.2021 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:在缺乏官方临床试验信息的情况下,公共卫生和医学研究人员可以使用社交网络中的数据来评估有关大麻二酚(CBD)等监管松散物质的公开声明。例如,这可以通过将销售CBD的人的目标医疗条件与患者通常使用CBD治疗的医疗条件进行比较来实现。目的:本研究的目的是为公共卫生和医学研究人员提供一个框架,用于识别和分析不受管制物质的消费和营销。具体来说,我们检查了CBD,这是一种经常作为药物向公众展示的物质,尽管有完全的有效性和安全性证据。方法:我们通过使用Tweepy Python包搜索Twitter,收集了567,850条推文,使用术语“CBD”和“大麻二酚”。我们训练了两个二进制文本分类器来创建两个语料库,其中包括167,755个个人使用推文和143,322个商业/销售推文。使用医学词典、标准词典和俚语词典,我们确定并比较了两种语料库中最常出现的医疗状况、症状、副作用、身体部位和其他物质。 In addition, to assess popular claims about the efficacy of CBD as a medical treatment circulating on Twitter, we performed sentiment analysis via the VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary for Sentiment Reasoning) model on the personal CBD tweets. Results: We found references to medically relevant terms that were unique to either personal or commercial CBD tweet classes, as well as medically relevant terms that were common to both classes. When we calculated the average sentiment scores for both personal and commercial CBD tweets referencing at least one of 17 medical conditions/symptoms terms, an overall positive sentiment was observed in both personal and commercial CBD tweets. We observed instances of negative sentiment conveyed in personal CBD tweets referencing autism, whereas CBD was also marketed multiple times as a treatment for autism within commercial tweets. Conclusions: Our proposed framework provides a tool for public health and medical researchers to analyze the consumption and marketing of unregulated substances on social networks. Our analysis showed that most users of CBD are satisfied with it in regard to the condition that it is being advertised for, with the exception of autism. %M 34932014 %R 10.2196/27307 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/12/e27307 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/27307 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34932014