%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 23卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 12% P e33125% T COVID-19大流行限制期间工人饮酒和使用社交媒体:五波纵向研究%A Oksanen,Atte %A Oksa,Reetta %A Savela,Nina %A Celuch,Magdalena %A Savolainen,Iina %+坦佩雷大学社会科学学院,Kalevantie 5,坦佩雷,33014,芬兰,358 503187279,atte.oksanen@tuni.fi %K过度饮酒%K酒精%K COVID-19 %K社交媒体%K远程工作%K心理困扰%K窘迫%K模式%K趋势%K预测%K调查%K应用%K风险%D 2021 %7 2.12.2021 %9原论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:2020-2021年期间,COVID-19大流行限制了全球许多人的日常生活。它还影响了饮酒模式和休闲活动,包括社交媒体的使用。目的:本研究的目的是分析社交媒体的使用是否预示着随着时间的推移,特别是在COVID-19大流行限制期间风险饮酒的增加。方法:这项5波纵向调查研究基于2019-2021年芬兰全国范围内的工人样本。共840名受访者(男性:473/840,56.31%;年龄18-64岁;平均年龄43.90岁,标准差11.14岁)参与了所有5波研究。结果变量为危险饮酒,使用3项酒精使用障碍识别测试(AUDIT-C)进行测量。 Multilevel linear hybrid modeling enabled the investigation of both within-person and between-person effects. Predictors included social media use and communication, involvement in social media identity bubbles, psychological distress, and remote working. Controls included sociodemographic factors and the Big Five personality traits. Results: Increased involvement in social media identity bubbles was associated with an increase in risky drinking behavior. Of all social media platforms examined, online dating app use was associated with riskier use of alcohol over time during the COVID-19 crisis. Daily social media communication with colleagues about nonwork topics was associated with risky drinking. Female gender, younger age, university education, nonindustrial occupational field, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and neuroticism were associated with lower levels of risky drinking. Conclusions: Social media use during a pandemic carries some risks for alcohol consumption. Involvement in social media identity bubbles and online dating are risk factors for excessive drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic. %M 34662290 %R 10.2196/33125 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/12/e33125 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/33125 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34662290