基于移动应用程序的调查依从性及其与传统调查的比较:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析eCohort研究% Pathiravasan Chathurangi H %张,元凯% Trinquart,卢多维奇%本杰明,艾美莉亚J %保华,贝琳达%麦克马纳斯,大卫·D % Kheterpal维克%林,Honghuang %萨达纳舞,玛雅%哈蒙德,迈克尔·M % Spartano,妮可L %邓恩,艾米L %施拉姆,Eric %诺瓦克,克里斯托弗·曼德%,艾米丽S % Liu红山% Kornej,伊莲娜%,刘:% Murabito,乔安妮·M % +部分普通内科医学,医学,波士顿大学医学院,穿过城市的2,201 Massachusetts Ave, Boston, MA, 02118, United States, 1 508 935 3461, murabito@bu.edu %K eCohort %K移动健康%K mHealth %K智能手机%K survey %K app %K Framingham Heart Study %K依从性%K协议%K心血管疾病%D 2021 %7 20.1.2021 %9原文%J J Med Internet Res %G English %X背景:eCohort研究提供了有效的数据收集方法。然而,eCohort研究受到志愿者偏见和低依从性的挑战。我们设计了一个嵌入弗雷明汉心脏研究(eFHS)的eCohort来应对这些挑战,并将数字数据与传统数据收集进行比较。目的:本研究的目的是评估eFHS应用程序在基线(eCohort入组时间)和每3个月至1年部署的调查的依从性,并将基线数字调查与研究中心收集的调查进行比较。方法:我们将依从率定义为在给定的3个月期间完成至少一项调查的参与者的比例,并计算每个3个月期间的依从率。为了评估一致性,我们使用一致性相关系数(CCC)将eFHS应用程序调查中获得的几个基线测量值与亲自研究中心考试中获得的测量值进行了比较。结果:在1948名eFHS参与者中(平均年龄53岁,SD 9岁;57%为女性),我们发现对基线调查的高依从性(89%),随着时间的推移依从性降低(3个月时为58%,6个月时为52%,9个月时为41%,12个月时为40%)。 eFHS participants who returned surveys were more likely to be women (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 1.58, 95% CI 1.18-2.11) and less likely to be smokers (aOR 0.53, 95% CI 0.32-0.90). Compared to in-person exam data, we observed moderate agreement for baseline app-based surveys of the Physical Activity Index (mean difference 2.27, CCC=0.56), and high agreement for average drinks per week (mean difference 0.54, CCC=0.82) and depressive symptoms scores (mean difference 0.03, CCC=0.77). Conclusions: We observed that eFHS participants had a high survey return at baseline and each 3-month survey period over the 12 months of follow up. We observed moderate to high agreement between digital and research center measures for several types of surveys, including physical activity, depressive symptoms, and alcohol use. Thus, this digital data collection mechanism is a promising tool to collect data related to cardiovascular disease and its risk factors. %M 33470944 %R 10.2196/24773 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/1/e24773/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/24773 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33470944