移动电话给乌干达农村青年带来的希望和危险卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析多方法研究对健康和艾滋病的影响%A Kreniske,Philip %A Basmajian,Alyssa %A Nakyanjo,Neema %A Ddaaki,William %A Isabirye,Dauda %A Ssekyewa,Charles %A Nakubulwa,Rosette %A Hirsch,Jennifer S %A Deisher,Andrea %A Nalugoda,Fred %A Chang,Larry W %A Santelli,John S %+艾滋病临床和行为研究中心,纽约州精神病学研究所和哥伦比亚大学,纽约州西168街722号,纽约州,纽约州,纽约州,美国,1646 774 6947,背景:在东非,只有1%的人口使用固定电话,而且接入互联网的机会有限,拥有一部手机正迅速成为获取信息和资源的必要条件。我们的分析阐明了手机的危险和潜在的前景,对未来干预措施的影响,以促进青少年和年轻人(AYAs)的健康和预防艾滋病毒感染。目的:本研究的目的是描述该地区aya的手机使用现状,并找出对移动卫生干预的影响。方法:我们确定了在关键人口统计、手机拥有率和社区艾滋病毒流行率方面具有代表性的乌干达南部2个交易中心。我们按年龄组(15-19岁和20-24岁)、性别和手机拥有量对潜在线人样本进行分层,并在这些类别中随机抽取31名关键线人访谈参与者。此外,我们在研究社区的AYAs中进行了24次民族志参与者观察。结果:AYA经常报告使用手机的障碍,比如难以获得电力。几乎所有的AYAs都使用手机参与当地经济活动,并与性伴侣交流。 Phone use was frequently a point of contention between sexual partners, with many AYAs reporting that their sexual partners associated phone use with infidelity. Few AYAs reported using their phones for health-related purposes, with most getting health information in person from health workers. However, most AYAs reported an instance when they used their phone in an emergency, with childbirth-related emergencies being the most common. Finally, most AYAs reported that they would like to use their phones for health purposes and specifically stated that they would like to use their mobile phones to access current HIV prevention information. Conclusions: This study demonstrates how mobile phones are related to income-generating practices in the region and communication with sexual partners but not access to health and HIV information. Our analysis offers some explanation for our previous study, which suggested an association between mobile phone ownership, having multiple sexual partners, and HIV risk. Mobile phones have untapped potential to serve as tools for health promotion and HIV prevention. %M 33528375 %R 10.2196/17837 %U // %U %U