基于web的免费数字健康工具与患者互动的创收流程:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析定性分析%A Lai,Claudia %A Deber,Raisa %A Jadad,Alejandro R %A Shachak,Aviv %+多伦多大学达拉斯公共卫生学院卫生政策、管理与评估研究所,多伦多大学学院街155号,425室,加拿大,M5T 3M6, 1 416 978 0998, claudia.lai@utoronto.ca %K数字健康%K患者参与%K eHealth %K健康信息%D 2021 %7 3.2.2021 %9原文%J J Med Internet Res %G English %X近年来,数字工具已成为患者满足其健康和信息需求的可行手段。政府和医疗机构正在提供数字工具,如自我评估工具、症状跟踪工具或聊天机器人。其他数字工具的来源,如通过患者平台提供的,可以在互联网上免费获得。我们将患者平台定义为特定于健康的网站,为任何有互联网接入的人提供工具,使他们与同行网络一起参与医疗保健过程,以支持他们的学习。尽管许多社交媒体平台无需预付费用就能吸引用户,但患者平台是专门针对健康的。由于对它们的商业模式知之甚少,因此有必要了解这些平台除了为患者提供支持之外,还试图实现什么,以便患者能够就使用它们提供的数字工具的收益和风险做出明智的决定。目的:本研究的目的是探索除了支持患者之外,患者平台还试图实现什么,以及如何使用他们的数字工具来产生收入。方法:采用框架分析法对2013年9月至2014年8月有目的选择的11个患者平台的文本和视觉资料进行分析。 Data were systematically and rigorously coded and categorized according to key issues and themes by following 5 steps: familiarizing, identifying a thematic framework, indexing, charting, and mapping and interpretation. We used open coding to identify additional concepts not captured in the initial thematic framework. This paper reports on emergent findings on the business models of the platforms and their income-generating processes. Results: Our analysis revealed that in addition to patients, the platforms support other parties with interests in health and information exchanges. Patient platforms did not charge up-front fees but generated income from other sources, such as advertising, sponsorship, marketing (eg, sending information to users on behalf of sponsors or providing means for sponsors to reach patients directly), supporting other portals, and providing research services. Conclusions: This study reports on the mechanisms by which some patient platforms generate income to support their operations, gain profit, or both. Although income-generating processes exist elsewhere on social media platforms in general, they pose unique challenges in the health context because digital tools engage patients in health and information exchanges. This study highlights the need to minimize the potential for unintended consequences that can pose health risks to patients or can lead to increased health expenses. By understanding other interests that patient platforms support, our findings point to important policy implications, such as whether (and how) authorities might protect users from processes that may not always be in their best interests and can potentially incur costs to the health system. %M 33533722 %R 10.2196/23654 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/2/e23654/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/23654 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33533722