老年人数字素养的测量方法:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析系统评价%A Oh,Sarah Soyeon %A Kim, kyyoung -A %A Kim,Minsu %A Oh,Jaeuk %A Chu,Sang Hui %A Choi,JiYeon %+ Mo-Im Kim护理研究所,延世大学护理学院,首尔西大门区延世路50号,韩国,03722,82 2228 3301;jychoi610@yuhs.ac %K健康老龄化%K电子健康%K远程医疗%K移动医疗%K数字素养%K电子健康素养%K老龄化%K老年%K老年人%K综述%K素养%D 2021 %7 3.2.2021 %9综述%J J医学互联网研究%G英语%X背景:设计了许多工具来测量普通人群的数字素养。然而,很少有研究评估这些测量对老年人的使用和适当性。目的:本系统综述旨在识别和批判性地评估评估老年人数字素养的研究,并评估现有研究中使用的数字素养工具如何使用欧盟委员会的数字能力(DigComp)框架解决适合年龄的数字素养要素。方法:在电子数据库中检索使用有效工具评估老年人数字素养的研究。采用Crowe关键评价工具(CCAT)对所有纳入研究的质量进行评价。根据DigComp框架定义的数字素养能力领域对工具进行评估:(1)信息和数据素养,(2)沟通和协作,(3)数字内容创作,(4)安全,(5)解决问题的能力,或对信息和通信技术使用的态度。结果:共检索到1561项研究,其中27项研究(横断面17项、前后对照2项、随机对照2项、纵向1项、混合1项)纳入最终分析。研究在美国(18/27)、德国(3/27)、中国(1/27)、意大利(1/27)、瑞典(1/27)、加拿大(1/27)、伊朗(1/27)和孟加拉国(1/27)进行。 Studies mostly defined older adults as aged ≥50 years (10/27) or ≥60 years (8/27). Overall, the eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS) was the most frequently used instrument measuring digital literacy among older adults (16/27, 59%). Scores on the CCAT ranged from 34 (34/40, 85%) to 40 (40/40, 100%). Most instruments measured 1 or 2 of the DigComp Framework’s elements, but the Mobile Device Proficiency Questionnaire (MDPQ) measured all 5 elements, including “digital content creation” and “safety.” Conclusions: The current digital literacy assessment instruments targeting older adults have both strengths and weaknesses, relative to their study design, administration method, and ease of use. Certain instrument modalities like the MDPQ are more generalizable and inclusive and thus, favorable for measuring the digital literacy of older adults. More studies focusing on the suitability of such instruments for older populations are warranted, especially for areas like “digital content creation” and “safety” that currently lack assessment. Evidence-based discussions regarding the implications of digitalization for the treatment of older adults and how health care professionals may benefit from this phenomenon are encouraged. %M 33533727 %R 10.2196/26145 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/2/e26145 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/26145 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33533727