期刊文章@ @ JMIR出版物在中国COVID-19最初爆发和复苏期间卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析公众对遏制措施的反应比较:复旦大学公共卫生学院,上海徐汇区一学院路138号,邮编:200032,86 21 33563935,地址:上海市徐汇区一学院路138号zyhou@fudan.edu.cn %K COVID-19 %K参与%K潜在的狄利克雷分配%K公众回应%K情绪%K社交媒体%K话题建模%D 2021 %7 5.4.2021 %9原创论文%J J Med Internet Res %G英语%X背景:2020年下半年COVID-19病例在全球范围内复苏。从最初的疫情爆发到重新爆发,公众对遏制措施的反应变化情况并不十分清楚。监测公众反应对于为应对COVID-19死灰复燃的政策措施提供信息至关重要。目的:本研究旨在评估和比较新冠肺炎在中国暴发和复发期间公众对防控措施的反应。方法:我们整理了在中国北京COVID-19最初爆发和复苏期间新浪微博(中国版Twitter)上所有与COVID-19相关的帖子。我们使用Python脚本构建了微博帖子子集,主要针对3种遏制措施:封锁、测试-追踪-隔离策略和暂停集会。百度开源情绪分析模型和潜狄利克雷分配主题模型(一种广泛使用的机器学习算法)被用于评估公众参与、情绪和每个遏制措施中经常讨论的主题。结果:共策划了8,985,221条微博。 In China, the containment measures evolved from a complete lockdown for the general population during the initial outbreak to a more targeted response strategy for high-risk populations during COVID-19 resurgence. Between the initial outbreak and resurgence, the average daily proportion of Weibo posts with negative sentiments decreased from 57% to 47% for the lockdown, 56% to 51% for the test-trace-isolate strategy, and 55% to 48% for the suspension of gatherings. Among the top 3 frequently discussed topics on lockdown measures, discussions on containment measures accounted for approximately 32% in both periods, but those on the second-most frequently discussed topic shifted from the expression of negative emotions (11%) to its impacts on daily life or work (26%). The public expressed a high level of panic (21%) during the initial outbreak but almost no panic (1%) during resurgence. The more targeted test-trace-isolate measure received the most support (60%) among all 3 containment measures in the initial outbreak, and its support rate approached 90% during resurgence. Conclusions: Compared to the initial outbreak, the public expressed less engagement and less negative sentiments on containment measures and were more supportive toward containment measures during resurgence. Targeted test-trace-isolate strategies were more acceptable to the public. Our results indicate that when COVID-19 resurges, more targeted test-trace-isolate strategies for high-risk populations should be promoted to balance pandemic control and its impact on daily life and the economy. %M 33750739 %R 10.2196/26518 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e26518 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/26518 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33750739