期刊文章JMIR出版物探索2020年期间加拿大COVID-19仪表板可卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析操作性的变化:描述性评估和专家评估研究%A Barbazza,Erica %A ivankovovic,Damir %A Wang,Sophie %A Gilmore,Kendall %A Jamieson %A Poldrugovac,Mircha %A Willmington,Claire %A Larrain,Nicolas %A Bos, vsamuronique %A Allin,Sara %A Klazinga,Niek %A Kringos,Dionne %+阿姆斯特丹UMC公共与职业健康系,阿姆斯特丹公共卫生研究所,Meibergdreef 9,阿姆斯特丹,1105AZ,荷兰,45 31121711,e.s.barbazza@amsterdamumc.nl %K COVID-19 %K绩效指标%K健康信息管理%K仪表板%K卫生保健数据公开报告%K定性研究%K公共卫生%K医学信息学%K监测%K沟通%K评估%K加拿大%K决策%K动态%K发展%D 2021 %7 6.8.2021 %9原始论文% jj Med Internet Res %G English %X全球正在使用基于网络的公共COVID-19仪表板来交流与大流行相关的信息。在大流行的早期阶段,一项全球研究评估了仪表板的可操作性,作为其在数据驱动决策中潜在用途的预测指标。它揭示了普遍缺乏支持可操作性所需的功能。鉴于仪表板固有的动态性及其前所未有的创造速度,仪表板的演变及其可操作性的变化值得探索。目的:我们旨在探讨2020年期间加拿大COVID-19仪表板的演变情况,以及可操作性特征的存在是否会随着时间的推移而变化。方法:我们对全加拿大的COVID-19仪表板样本(N=26)进行了描述性评估,随后由专家评分小组(N=8)评估其可操作性的变化。评分者在2020年7月和11月的两个时间点对仪表板进行了评估,使用了一种基于沟通理论和医疗保健绩效情报的评估工具。 Applying the nominal group technique, scorers were grouped in panels of three, and evaluated the presence of the seven defined features of highly actionable dashboards at each time point. Results: Improvements had been made to the dashboards over time. These predominantly involved data provision (specificity of geographic breakdowns, range of indicators reported, and explanations of data sources or calculations) and advancements enabled by the technologies employed (customization of time trends and interactive or visual chart elements). Further improvements in actionability were noted especially in features involving local-level data provision, time-trend reporting, and indicator management. No improvements were found in communicative elements (clarity of purpose and audience), while the use of storytelling techniques to narrate trends remained largely absent from the dashboards. Conclusions: Improvements to COVID-19 dashboards in the Canadian context during 2020 were seen mostly in data availability and dashboard technology. Further improving the actionability of dashboards for public reporting will require attention to both technical and organizational aspects of dashboard development. Such efforts would include better skill-mixing across disciplines, continued investment in data standards, and clearer mandates for their developers to ensure accountability and the development of purpose-driven dashboards. %M 34280120 %R 10.2196/30200 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/8/e30200 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/30200 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34280120