青少年网络成瘾症状:青少年网络成瘾症状卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析网络分析:卢娜,张建霞,钟沁涵,陈娜,翟瑾,郭玉佳,吕磊,陈春蕾,姜天珍,郑中丽,郑慧,上海交通大学医学院上海市精神卫生中心,上海市精神障碍重点实验室,上海市万平南路600号,200030,86 18267908575;zh.dmtr@gmail.com网瘾网瘾测试网络分析青少年网瘾测试网瘾测试青少年网瘾测试背景:越来越多的人由于过度使用互联网而沉迷于互联网。网络成瘾测试(IAT)是一种流行的评估网络使用行为的工具。不同症状之间的相互作用以及IAT与临床诊断标准之间的关系尚不清楚。目的:探讨网络成瘾(IA)的核心症状及不同症状网络之间的相关性。网络分析还探讨了IAT量表与精神障碍诊断与统计手册第5版(DSM-5) IA标准之间的关系。方法:我们招募了4480名年龄在14-24岁的互联网用户,他们完成了IAT测试。对所提交的问卷进行筛选后,最终的分析包括63.50%(2845/4480)的参与者。将参与者分为IA组和非IA组。 By using partial correlation with Lasso regularization networks, we identified the core symptoms of IA in each group and compared the group differences in network properties (strength, closeness, and betweenness). Then, we analyzed the symptom networks of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and IAT scale for IA. Results: A total of 12.47% (355/2845) of the patients were in the IA group and 87.52% (2490/2845) of the patients were in the NIA group, and both groups were evaluated for the following nodes: IAT_06 (school work suffers; strength=0.511), IAT_08 (job performance suffers; strength=0.531), IAT_15 (fantasize about being on the web; strength=0.474), IAT_17 (fail to stop being on the web; strength=0.526), and IAT_12 (fear about boredom if offline; strength=0.502). The IA groups had a stronger edge between IAT_09 (defensive or secretive about being on the web) and IAT_18 (hidden web time) than the NIA groups. The items in DSM-5 had a strong association with IAT_12 (weight=−0.066), IAT_15 (weight=−0.081), IAT_17 (weight=−0.106), IAT_09 (weight=−0.198), and IAT_18 (weight=−0.052). Conclusions: The internet use symptom network of the IA group is significantly different from that of the NIA group. Nodes IAT_06 (school work affected) and IAT_08 (work performance affected) are the resulting symptoms affected by other symptoms, whereas nodes IAT_12 (fear about boredom if offline), IAT_17 (inability to stop being on the web), and IAT_15 (fantasize about being on the web) are key symptoms that activate other symptoms of IA and are strongly linked to the inability to control the intention to play games in the DSM-5. %M 36355402 %R 10.2196/38984 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/11/e38984 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38984 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36355402