“我的肾脏和我”的共同发展:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析数码自我管理项目对慢性肾脏疾病患者%莱特福特考特尼J %威尔金森,托马斯J % Hadjiconstantinou,米歇尔%动物体内,马修% Barratt,乔纳森·布拉夫%,克里斯托弗·伯顿%,James O % Hainsworth珍妮%约翰逊,维姬%马丁内斯,玛丽亚%尼克松,安德鲁·C % Pursey维多利亚% Schreder,莎莉Vadaszy %, %米王尔德,鲁西娜威林汉%,菲奥娜%一个年轻,汉娜M L %耶茨,托马斯·戴维斯%,梅勒妮J %史密斯,爱丽丝C % +莱斯特肾脏的生活方式莱斯特大学健康科学系团队,莱斯特大学路,莱斯特,LE1 7RH,英国,44 1162584346,courtney.lightfoot@leicester.ac.uk %K肾脏疾病意识%K肾脏疾病知识%K项目开发%K电子健康%K数字健康%K远程健康%K移动健康%K健康促进%K自我管理行为%K手机%D 2022 %7 14.11.2022 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网研究%G英语%X健康护理自我管理对非透析慢性肾病(CKD)患者非常重要。然而,为数不多的可用资源质量参差不齐。目的:本工作描述了“我的肾脏和我”(MK&M)系统的共同开发,这是一个理论驱动和基于证据的非透析CKD患者数字自我管理资源,由一个用于成功开发糖尿病教育项目MyDESMOND(持续和新诊断的糖尿病教育和自我管理,DESMOND)的既定过程指导。方法:一个多学科指导小组,由肾脏保健专业人员、复杂干预措施和数字健康发展方面的研究人员和专家组成,提供CKD临床和社会心理方面的专业知识,自我管理,数字健康和行为改变。一个患者和公众参与小组帮助确定了MK&M的需求和优先事项,并共同设计了资源。MK&M的开发分两个阶段进行。阶段1涉及MK&M资源(内容和材料)的共同开发过程,使用干预映射(IM)作为框架。 The first 4 IM steps guided the development process: needs assessment was conducted to describe the context of the intervention; intervention outcomes, performance objectives, and behavioral determinants were identified; theory- and evidence-based change methods and practical strategies to deliver change methods were selected; and program components were developed and refined. Phase 2 involved the adoption and adaptation of the existing MyDESMOND digital platform to suit the MK&M resource. Results: The needs assessment identified that individuals with CKD have multiple differing needs and that delivering a self-management program digitally would enable accessible, tailored, and interactive information and support. The intended outcomes of MK&M were to improve and maintain effective self-management behaviors, including physical activity and lifestyle, improve knowledge, promote self-care skills, increase self-efficacy, and enhance well-being. This was achieved through the provision of content and materials designed to increase CKD knowledge and patient activation, reduce health risks, manage symptoms, and improve physical function. Theories and behavior change techniques selected include Self-Management Framework, Capability, Opportunity, Motivation Behavior model components of Behaviour Change Wheel and taxonomy of behavior change techniques, Health Action Process Approach Model, Common Sense Model, and Social Cognitive Theory. The program components developed comprised educational and behavior change sessions, health trackers (eg, monitoring blood pressure, symptoms, and exercise), goal-setting features, and forums for social support. The MyDESMOND digital platform represented an ideal existing platform to host MK&M; thus, the MyDESMOND interface and features were adopted and adapted for MK&M. Conclusions: Applying the IM framework enabled the systematic application of theory, empirical evidence, and practical perspectives in the codevelopment of MK&M content and materials. Adopting and adapting a preexisting platform provided a cost- and time-efficient approach for developing our digital intervention. In the next stage of work, the efficacy of MK&M in increasing patient activation will be tested in a randomized controlled trial. %M 36374538 %R 10.2196/39657 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/11/e39657 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/39657 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36374538