期刊文章JMIR出版物了解家庭健康助手的技术前景:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析a Kuo,Elizabeth Fong-Chy, a Cho,Jacklyn, a Olaye,Iredia, a Delgado,Diana, a Dell,Nicola, a Sterling,Madeline R %+威尔康奈尔医学院内科内科,东70街420号,hl -357室,纽约,NY, 10021,美国,1 646 962 5029,mrs9012@med.cornell.edu %K家庭健康助手%K家庭护理服务%K移动健康%K移动健康%K移动应用程序%K手机应用程序%K智能手机%K教育技术%K技术%K手机%D 2022 %7 11.11.2022 %9回顾%J J医学互联网研究%G英语%X背景:家庭健康助手(HHAs)为家中的老年人和慢性病患者提供必要的实际护理。尽管他们在工作中扮演着不可或缺的角色,但他们在工作中遇到了许多挑战,包括他们在照顾病人的同时与其他卫生保健专业人员就病人护理进行沟通的能力,以及获得教育资源的能力。尽管技术干预措施有可能解决这些挑战,但人们对技术前景和为这些劳动力设计和使用的现有基于技术的干预措施知之甚少。目的:我们对科学文献进行了范围审查,以确定现有的研究,这些研究描述、设计、部署或测试了旨在由hha用于家庭护理患者的基于技术的工具和应用程序。为了补充我们的文献综述,我们对现有的为hha提供家庭护理的移动应用程序进行了景观分析。方法:我们检索了以下数据库:Ovid MEDLINE、Ovid Embase、Cochrane Library和CINAHL (EBSCO)。共有3名研究人员使用预先规定的纳入和排除标准筛选产率。此外,4名研究人员独立审查了这些文章,并在需要时进行了第五名研究人员的仲裁。 Among studies that met the inclusion criteria, data were extracted and summarized narratively. An analysis of mobile health apps designed for HHAs was performed using a predefined set of terms to search Google Play and Apple App stores. Overall, 2 researchers independently screened the resulting apps, and those that met the inclusion criteria were categorized according to their intended purpose and functionality. Results: Of the 8643 studies retrieved, 182 (2.11%) underwent full-text review, and 4.9% (9/182) met our inclusion criteria. Approximately half (4/9, 44%) of the studies were descriptive in nature, proposing technology-based systems (eg, web portals and dashboards) or prototypes without a technical or user-based evaluation of the technology. In most (7/9, 78%) papers, HHAs were just one of several users and not the sole or primary intended users of the technology. Our review of mobile apps yielded 166 Android and iOS apps, of which 48 (29%) met the inclusion criteria. These apps provided HHAs with one or more of the following functions: electronic visit verification (29/48, 60%), clocking in and out (23/48, 48%), documentation (22/48, 46%), task checklist (19/48, 40%), communication between HHA and agency (14/48, 29%), patient information (6/48, 13%), resources (5/48, 10%), and communication between HHA and patients (4/48, 8%). Of the 48 apps, 25 (52%) performed monitoring functions, 4 (8%) performed supporting functions, and 19 (40%) performed both. Conclusions: A limited number of studies and mobile apps have been designed to support HHAs in their work. Further research and rigorous evaluation of technology-based tools are needed to assess their impact on the work HHAs provide in patient’s homes. %M 36176033 %R 10.2196/39997 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/11/e39997 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/39997 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36176033