%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 24卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 3% P e25243% T在Facebook上与健康信息的互动:使用社交媒体内容和语境启发方法%A Rivera,Yonaira M %A Moran,Meghan B %A Thrul,Johannes %A Joshu,Corinne %A Smith,Katherine C %+罗格斯大学传播与信息学院传播系,4亨廷顿街,新不伦瑞克,新泽西州,08901,美国,1 (848)932 7612,yonaira.rivera@rutgers.edu %K混合方法%K数据收集%K社交媒体%K癌症%K健康信息%K Facebook %K数字健康%D 2022 %7 4.3.2022 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:大多数已知的关于社交媒体上的健康信息参与来自定量方法。公共卫生文献通常通过测量卫生组织Facebook页面上的点赞、评论和/或分享来量化参与度。但是,这些内容可能不代表平台用户通常可以获得和消费的健康信息(和错误信息)。此外,有些人可能更喜欢在不留下可量化数字痕迹的情况下与信息打交道。混合方法可能提供了一种方法,可以超越仅使用目前可用的社交媒体指标来评估对卫生信息参与程度的限制。目的:本研究旨在讨论目前评估Facebook上健康信息参与度的方法的局限性,并提出了社交媒体内容和上下文诱导方法,这是一种定性驱动的混合方法,用于理解健康信息的参与度,以及参与度如何导致后续行动。方法:使用社交媒体内容和上下文启发方法进行数据收集、管理和分析。这种方法是为了一项更广泛的研究而开发的,旨在探索美国拉丁裔和拉丁裔美国人如何以及为什么在Facebook上参与癌症预防和筛查信息。 The study included 20 participants aged between 40 and 75 years without cancer who participated in semistructured, in-depth interviews to discuss their Facebook use and engagement with cancer information on the platform. Participants accessed their Facebook account alongside the researcher, typed cancer in the search bar, and discussed cancer-related posts they engaged with during the previous 12 months. Engagement was defined as liking, commenting, and/or sharing a post; clicking on a post link; reading an article in a post; and/or watching a video within a post. Content engagement prompted questions regarding the reasons for engagement and whether engagement triggered further action. Data were managed using MAXQDA (VERBI GmbH) and analyzed using thematic and content analyses. Results: Data emerging from the social media content and context elicitation method demonstrated that participants mainly engaged with cancer prevention and screening information by viewing and/or reading content (48/66, 73%) without liking, commenting, or sharing it. This method provided rich content regarding how US Latinos and Latinas engage with and act upon cancer prevention and screening information on Facebook. We present 2 emblematic cases from the main study to exemplify the additional information and context elicited from this methodology, which is currently lacking from quantitative approaches. Conclusions: The social media content and context elicitation method allows a better representation and deeper contextualization of how people engage with and act upon health information and misinformation encountered on social media. This method may be applied to future studies regarding how to best communicate health information on social media, including how these affect assessments of message credibility and accuracy, which can influence health outcomes. %M 35254266 %R 10.2196/25243 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e25243 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/25243 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35254266