[0]期刊文章[@ 1438-8871]JMIR出版物%V 24 %N卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 3 %P 32678 %T为寻求基于web的健康信息的交叉群体建立跨越数字鸿沟的建模访问:美国俄亥俄州立大学传播学院,俄亥俄州哥伦布市椭圆形广场154号,邮编:43210-1132,美国,邮编:15313017556;medero.2@osu.edu %K黑人%K非裔美国人%K一级数字鸿沟%K健康差距%K家用电脑%K互联网接入%K交叉性%K拉丁裔%K拉丁裔%K西班牙裔%K移动%K在线健康信息查询%K公共计算机%K结构方程建模%K工作计算机%K手机%D 2022 %7 15.3.2022 %9原文% jj Med internet Res %G英语%X背景资料:数字鸿沟是指基于人口特征(如种族和民族)的技术差距。缺乏对互联网的实际访问抑制了在线健康信息搜索(OHIS),并加剧了健康差距。关于数字鸿沟的研究考察了人们访问互联网的地点和方式,而关于职业健康信息系统的研究则考察了交叉身份如何影响职业健康信息系统。我们结合这些观点来解释在OHIS领域中,独特的上下文-设备访问配对如何在交叉身份(特别是种族和民族群体)中以不同的方式运作。目的:本研究旨在研究不同类型的互联网接入与不同种族和民族群体的OHIS之间的关系。我们调查了易感特征(即年龄、性别、教育程度和收入)、互联网接入(家用电脑、公共电脑、工作电脑和移动电脑)、健康需求和OHIS之间的关系。方法:利用2019年健康信息全国趋势调查数据进行分析。 Our theoretical model of OHIS explicates the roles of internet access and health needs for racial and ethnic minority groups’ OHIS. Participant responses were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Three separate group structural equation modeling models were specified based on Black, Latine, and White self-categorizations. Results: Overall, predisposing characteristics (ie, age, sex, education, and income) were associated with internet access, health needs, and OHIS; internet access was associated with OHIS; and health needs were associated with OHIS. Home computer and mobile access were most consistently associated with OHIS. Several notable linkages between predisposing characteristics and internet access differed for Black and Latine individuals. Older racial and ethnic minorities tended to access the internet on home and public computers less frequently; home computer access was a stronger predictor of OHIS for White individuals, and mobile access was a stronger predictor of OHIS for non-White individuals. Conclusions: Our findings necessitate a deeper unpacking of how physical internet access, the foundational and multifaceted level of the digital divide, affects specific racial and ethnic groups and their OHIS. We not only find support for prior work on the digital divide but also surface new insights, including distinct impacts of context–device access pairings for OHIS and several relationships that differ between racial and ethnic groups. As such, we propose interventions with an intersectional approach to access to ameliorate the impact of the digital divide. %M 35289761 %R 10.2196/32678 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e32678 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/32678 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35289761