期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 I JMIR出版物%V 25% N 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析%P e40634 %T退伍军人授权工具的用户测试:定性调查%A Haun,Jolie N %A Melillo,Christine %A Schneider,Tali %A Merzier,Marie M %A Klanchar,S Angelina %A Fowler,Christopher A %A Benzinger,Rachel C %+ James A Haley退伍军人医院,8900 Grand Oak Circle, Tampa, FL, 33637,美国,1813 558 3938,christine.melillo@va.gov %K电子健康门户%K以人为本的设计%K代表%K电子资源%K代表%K护理伙伴%K退伍军人%K退伍军人授权工具%K退伍军人健康管理%D 2023 %7原文%J J Med Internet Res %G English %X背景:非正式护理人员或护理伙伴在管理医疗保健时为护理对象提供关键支持。退伍军人健康管理局(VHA)优先确定在支持退伍军人护理管理方面至关重要的护理伙伴。退伍军人授权工具(VDT)是VHA的健康保险可携带性和责任法案兼容的解决方案,为护理合作伙伴通过VHA的电子健康门户管理退伍军人的护理。需要在VDT开发中采用以人为本的设计方法,以增强旨在促进吸收和持续使用的功能。目的:这个前瞻性描述性质量改进项目的目的是使用以人为中心的设计方法来检查VDT使用的感知和实践经验。方法:本项目采用框架、发现、设计和交付四阶段方法进行。帧阶段设计协议,准备VDT系统进行测试。本文报告了发现阶段,该阶段使用半结构化和后续访谈以及用户测试来检查VDT的好处、促进因素和障碍。 The discover phase data informed the design and deliver phases, which are underway. Results: Veterans (24/54, 44%), care partners (21/54, 39%), and individuals who represented dual roles (9/54, 17%)—namely veteran care partner (4/54, 7%), veteran clinical provider (2/54, 4%), and care partner provider (3/54, 6%)—participated in semistructured interviews in the discover phase. A subsample of these participants (3/54, 6%) participated in the follow-up interviews and user testing. Analysis of the semistructured interviews indicated convergence on the respondents’ perceptions of VDT’s benefits, facilitators, and barriers and recommendations for improving VDT. The perceived benefits were authorized access, comanagement of care needs on the web, communication with the clinical team, access to resources, and ease of burden. Perceived barriers were nonrecognition of the benefits of VDT, technical literacy access issues, increased stress in or burden on care partners, and personal health information security. Participant experiences across 4 VDT activity domains were upgrade to My HealtheVet Premium account, registration, sign-in, and use. User testing demonstrated users’ challenges to register, navigate, and use VDT. Findings informed VDT development enhancements and recommendations. Conclusions: Care partners need Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act–compliant access to electronic health portals to assist with care management. VDT is VHA’s solution, allowing communication among delegates, veterans, and clinical care teams. Users value VDT’s potential use and benefits, while access and navigation improvements to ensure uptake and sustained use are needed. Future efforts need to iteratively evaluate the human-centered phases, design and deliver, of VDT to target audiences. Continued efforts to understand and respond to care partners’ needs are warranted. %M 36821364 %R 10.2196/40634 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e40634 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/40634 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36821364