增强现实辅助导航在种植牙手术中的准确性研究卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析系统评价与荟萃分析%A Mai, hango - nga %A Dam,Van Viet %A Lee,Du-Hyeong %+庆北大学牙科学院口腔修复系,2175 Dalgubeoldaero,大邱,41940,大韩民国,82 53 600 7676,deweylee@knu.ac.kr %K增强现实%K准确率%K计算机引导手术%K种植体%K系统评价%K荟萃分析%D 2023 %7 4.1.2023 %9 Review %J J Med Internet Res %G English %X沉浸式3D增强现实(AR)手术导航的新概念最近被引入医疗领域。这种方法允许外科医生直接关注手术目标,而不必看单独的监视器。在牙科领域,最近开发的AR辅助种植体导航系统(AR navigation)引起了人们的极大兴趣,该系统使用创新的图像技术直接可视化和跟踪实际手术部位的术前计划。目的:本研究是第一个系统回顾和荟萃分析研究,旨在评估AR导航种植体放置的准确性,并将其与广泛使用的种植体放置方法进行比较,包括徒手法(FH)、基于模板的静态引导(TG)和传统导航(CN)。方法:在PubMed (MEDLINE)、Scopus、ScienceDirect、Cochrane Library和Google Scholar中使用个性化搜索策略搜索2022年3月21日之前发表的文章。本研究按照PRISMA(系统评价和荟萃分析首选报告项目)指南进行,并在国际前瞻性系统评价登记册(PROSPERO)数据库中注册。同行评议的期刊文章评估使用ar辅助种植体导航系统放置牙种植体的位置偏差。采用Cohen统计功效分析来研究数据集间标准化平均差异(SMDs)的效应量估计和ci。 Results: Among the 425 articles retrieved, 15 articles were considered eligible for narrative review, 8 articles were considered for single-arm meta-analysis, and 4 were included in a 2-arm meta-analysis. The mean lateral, global, depth, and angular deviations of the dental implant placed using AR navigation were 0.90 (95% CI 0.78-1.02) mm, 1.18 (95% CI 0.95-1.41) mm, 0.78 (95% CI 0.48-1.08) mm, and 3.96° (95% CI 3.45°-4.48°), respectively. The accuracy of AR navigation was significantly higher than that of the FH method (SMD=−1.01; 95% CI −1.47 to −0.55; P<.001) and CN method (SMD=−0.46; 95% CI −0.64 to −0.29; P<.001). However, the accuracies of the AR navigation and TG methods were similar (SMD=0.06; 95% CI −0.62 to 0.74; P=.73). Conclusions: The positional deviations of AR-navigated implant placements were within the safety zone, suggesting clinically acceptable accuracy of the AR navigation method. Moreover, the accuracy of AR implant navigation was comparable with that of the highly recommended dental implant–guided surgery method, TG, and superior to that of the conventional FH and CN methods. This review highlights the possibility of using AR navigation as an effective and accurate immersive surgical guide for dental implant placement. %M 36598798 %R 10.2196/42040 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e42040 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/42040 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36598798