%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I Gunther Eysenbach %V 2 %N 1 %P e4 %T一起网络抄袭案件的报告-以及对利用互联网检测和防止学术不端行为的思考% a Eysenbach,Gunther %+海德堡大学,临床社会医学系,网络医学单元,Bergheimer Str. 58, 69115海德堡,德国,ey@yi.com %K伦理,专业抄袭科学不端行为出版互联网撤回出版物版权同行评议软件信息检索2000年7 31.3.2000年9特殊案例报告医学互联网资源英语背景:互联网对研究人员来说是无价的工具,当然也是灵感的来源。然而,通过从几个网站上的段落中剪切(复制和粘贴)一篇明显的原创论文或综述论文,剽窃他人的工作从未如此容易。此外,窃取思想的门槛,无论是从互联网上窃取段落或甚至整篇文章,似乎都比从书籍或文章中复制章节低得多。在本文中,我们将使用术语“网络剽窃”来描述某人有意或无意地从万维网(WWW)获取信息、短语或思想,并在学术文章中使用它,而不注明出处。目的:阐述一个网络剽窃案例,并讨论利用互联网检测科学不端行为的潜在方法。这篇报告的撰写也是为了激发期刊编辑们关于使用最先进的技术来打击网络抄袭的辩论和思考。方法:报道了最近发生在爱丁堡皇家外科学院杂志(JRCSEd)上的一起网络剽窃事件。在因特网上系统地搜索有助于识别抄袭和重复出版的信息学工具。结果:这是第一个关于网络文章的重要部分在没有注明出处的情况下被提升为学术文章的事件的深入报告。 In detecting and demonstrating this incident, a tool at www.plagiarism.org, has proven to be particularly useful. The plagiarism report generated by this tool stated that more than one third (36%) of the JRCSEd article consisted of phrases that were directly copied from multiple websites, without giving attribution to this fact. Conclusions: Cyberplagiarism may be a widespread and increasing problem. Plagiarism could be easily detected by journal editors and peer-reviewers if informatics tools would be applied. There is a striking gap between what is technically possible and what is in widespread use. As a consequence of the case described in this report, JMIR has taken the lead in applying information technology to prevent and fight plagiarism by routinely checking new submissions for evidence of cyberplagiarism. %M 11720923 %R 10.2196/jmir.2.1.e4 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2000/1/e4/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2.1.e4 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11720923