杂志文章@ 1438-8871 %I Gunther Eysenbach %V 3% N 2% P e 16% T基于网络的公共卫生营养远程教育课程:案例研究% Sigulem, Dirce M %莫莱斯,塔尼亚B % Cuppari,莉莲% Franceschini,西尔维娅运费到付% Priore,西尔维亚E % Camargo,凯蒂G %,雷纳% Bernardo, Viviane % Sigulem,丹尼尔% + 630 CEP 04020, 060圣保罗,SP,巴西,dirsigulem.pnut@epm.br % K互联网% K课程% K营养% K教育,距离% K教育、医疗、持续% K问卷% K程序评估% D原始论文7 19.4.2001 % 9 2001% % J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:严格的工作时间表,个人和专业职责,或者不能离开家或工作,这些都是那些希望提高专业技能的人的主要限制。在这种情况下,万维网可以让人们在家里方便地参加远程课程。目的:介绍巴西医疗保健专业人员继续教育中使用网络的经验。方法:开发基于网络的公共卫生营养远程教育课程。该方法是基于问题和基于任务的学习的一种适应。课程结束时,向学生发放了一份评估问卷,内容包括课程内容、教育方法和资源、持续时间和时间表,以及使用网络作为远程教育工具的情况。结果:来自13个州的83人在线注册,其中73人是女性,62人拥有营养学学位,18人是医生。从这些; eleven students from ten states were chosen: nine female nutritionists, two female physicians, and one male physician. Seven students completed the course, took and passed the final exam. Of the other four students, two failed to follow the schedule, one had health problems, and one did not obtain the minimal score for sitting the final exam. The students had a mean age of 35, and a mean of ten years in practice. They all stated that they were unable to attend a regular course, even though they felt that they needed to improve their professional skills. Most of them studied seven days a week for between two and four hours a day. The students also felt that their professional skills had improved and each reported having made changes in their practice as a result of their participation. The students approved of the course's contents, methodology and resources, however they were divided about its duration. The Web as a tool in distance education was approved by the students. If it was not for the Web they could not have taken part in a continuing education program. All students said they would attend another virtual course, if available. Even though most of them did not have difficulty adapting to the virtual environment, they did feel that an adaptation period would be of value. Conclusions: A Web-based course may be more effective than other distance education methodologies because it is more interactive and dynamic. On-line material can be constantly reviewed and updated, and the students can have the opportunity to submit commentaries or questions directly to the teaching staff. A Web-based course also allows the students to go beyond the course content as they learn how to search and take advantage of the huge resources of information available on the Internet. %M 11720958 %R 10.2196/jmir.3.2.e16 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2001/2/e16/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3.2.e16 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11720958