[0]期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 I Gunther Eysenbach %V 3 %N 3 %P 24 %T控制词汇资源对糖尿病消费者入门词汇开发的评价% a Patrick,Timothy B % a Monga,Harpreet K % a Sievert,MaryEllen C % a Hall,Joan Houston % a Longo,Daniel R %+密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校卫生管理与信息系,324 Clark Hall, USA, +1 573 884 8155, patrickt@health.missouri.edu %K沟通障碍%K词汇,背景:数字信息技术可以促进个人就其个人卫生保健作出明智的决策。数字鸿沟将能够接触或无法使用数字信息的人与无法接触或无法使用数字信息的人区分开来。为了缩小数字鸿沟,卫生保健传播研究必须解决一个基本问题,即消费者词汇问题:卫生保健消费者,至少是那些外行,并不总是熟悉卫生保健提供者和卫生保健信息提供者使用的专业词汇和概念,反过来,卫生保健和卫生保健信息提供者并不总是熟悉消费者使用的词汇和概念。解决此问题的一种方法是开发用于医疗保健通信的消费者条目词汇表。目的:评估控制词汇资源在支持糖尿病消费者入门词汇开发方面的潜力。方法:我们使用美国地区英语词典项目中的民间医学术语来创建3个受控词汇资源的扩展版本:统一医学语言系统元辞典、欧盟委员会翻译服务的欧洲词典和欧盟委员会流行和技术医学术语术语表。我们从消费者撰写的材料中提取消费者术语,从医生撰写的材料中提取医生术语。我们使用词汇资源的扩展版本,将医疗保健消费者使用的与糖尿病相关的术语与家庭医生使用的同义、近乎同义或密切相关的术语联系起来。我们还研究了由非营利卫生保健专业组织、学术组织或政府组织维护的与糖尿病相关的万维网信息网站的检索是否可以通过在查询中将相关的消费者术语替换为医生术语来改进。 Results: The Dictionary of American Regional English extension of the Metathesaurus provided coverage, either direct or indirect, of approximately 23% of the natural language consumer-term-physician-term pairs. The Dictionary of American Regional English extension of the Eurodicautom provided coverage for 16% of the term pairs. Both the Metathesaurus and the Eurodicautom indirectly related more terms than they directly related. A high percentage of covered term pairs, with more indirectly covered pairs than directly covered pairs, might be one way to make the most out of expensive controlled vocabulary resources. We compared retrieval of diabetes-related Web information sites using the physician terms to retrieval using related consumer terms We based the comparison on retrieval of sites maintained by non-profit healthcare professional organizations, academic organizations, or governmental organizations. The number of such sites in the first 20 results from a search was increased by substituting a physician term for its related consumer term in the query. This suggests that the Dictionary of American Regional English extensions of the Metathesaurus and Eurodicautom may be used to provide useful links from natural language consumer terms to natural language physician terms. Conclusions: The Dictionary of American Regional English extensions of the Metathesaurus and Eurodicautom should be investigated further for support of consumer entry vocabulary for diabetes. %M 11720966 %R 10.2196/jmir.3.3.e24 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2001/3/e24/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3.3.e24 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11720966