基于网络的心血管疾病风险增加患者的营养咨询和社会支持:随机对照试验% Verheijden, Marieke % Bakx, J Carel % Akkermans,瑞尼% van den Hoogen, Henk %古德温,马歇尔N %一个伐木工人,沃尔特·%一辆面包车Staveren Wija %一辆面包车恰当地,克里斯% + TNO &就业工作,团队44,邮政信箱718,2130年Hoofddorp,荷兰,+ 31日23 554 9345,M.Verheijden@arbeid.tno.nl % K互联网% K饮食% K营养咨询% K社会支持% K心血管风险% D原始论文7 16.12.2004 % 9 2004% % J J互联网Res % G英语% X背景:使用互联网可能有助于为慢性病患者提供营养咨询和社会支持。目的:我们评估基于网络的营养咨询和社会支持对心血管风险增加患者的社会支持措施、人体测量、血压和血清胆固醇的影响。方法:我们在加拿大家庭诊所的心血管风险增加的患者中进行了一项随机对照试验。8个月期间,干预组和对照组患者均接受常规护理。干预组的患者还可以使用基于网络的营养咨询和社会支持工具(Heartweb)。研究过程中监测了场地的使用情况。我们在基线、4个月和8个月时测量了社会支持、体重指数、腰臀比、血压和胆固醇水平,以评估干预的有效性。结果:我们将146例患者随机分为基于网络的干预组(n=73)和对照组(n=73)。 Within the Web-based intervention group, Heartweb was used by only 33% (24/73) of patients, with users being significantly younger than nonusers (P=.03). There were no statistically significant differences between the intervention group and the control group in changes in social support, anthropometry, blood pressure, and serum cholesterol levels. Conclusions: Uptake of the Web-based intervention was low. This study showed no favourable effects of a Web-based nutrition counselling and social support intervention on social support, anthropometry, blood pressure, and serum cholesterol. Improvements in reach and frequency of site use are needed to increase the effectiveness of Web-based interventions. %M 15631968 %R 10.2196/jmir.6.4.e44 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2004/4/e44/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6.4.e44 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15631968