期刊文章冈瑟·艾森巴赫在创伤患者的在线心理治疗中,工作联盟的质量预测治疗结果吗?%A Knaevelsrud,Christine %A Maercker,Andreas %+酷刑受害者治疗中心,Turmstr. 21, 10559柏林,德国,+0049 177 7894682,c.knaevelsrud@bzfo.de %K在线治疗%K互联网%K工作联盟%K治疗关系%K心理治疗%K心理治疗过程%K专业-患者关系%K治疗结果%D 2006 %7 19.12.2006 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:在线咨询和在线治疗的提供正在稳步增加。一些调查在线疗法有效性的对照试验的结果表明,其中一些新的治疗方案可能确实有效。然而,很少有人知道在互联网上治疗关系(或工作联盟)是如何发展的,以及它是否像传统的面对面治疗那样影响治疗结果。工作联盟被定义为患者和治疗师合作的程度,有目的的工作和情感上的联系。目的:本研究的目的是调查短期、基于网络的认知行为治疗方案治疗创伤后应激反应患者的治疗联盟的质量和预测相关性。方法:在严格筛选高分离倾向、精神病风险和自杀倾向排除标准后,将48名过去经历过创伤事件的患者纳入在线治疗研究。在第四次治疗会议上实施了工作联盟清单(WAI-S)的简写形式。根据从预处理评估到治疗结束的剩余增益来评估治疗关系与治疗结果的相关性。 The revised Impact of Event Scale (IES-R) and the depression and anxiety subscales of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) were used to assess treatment outcome. Results: A total of 48 participants were included in the analysis. Overall, high alliance scores were found. In contrast to previous studies of conventional face-to-face therapy, there was only a low to modest association (.13 to .33) between the quality of the therapeutic relationship and treatment outcome. Conclusion: High alliance scores indicate that it was possible to establish a stable and positive therapeutic relationship online. However, the therapeutic relationship was found to be a less relevant predictor of the therapy outcome than in face-to-face approaches. We discuss whether this finding can be attributed to methodological reasons such as the restricted range of alliance ratings obtained or the time of administration of the WAI-S, or whether the therapeutic relationship might be less relevant to the treatment outcome of online therapy approaches. %M 17213049 %R 10.2196/jmir.8.4.e31 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2006/4/e31/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.8.4.e31 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17213049