[0]期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 % 1 Gunther Eysenbach %V 9 %N 2 %P 19 %T补充和替代医学从业者如何使用PubMed %A Willinsky,John %A Quint-Rapoport,Mia %+英属哥伦比亚大学语言与素养教育系,BC省温哥华V6T 1Z4,加拿大,+1 604 822 3154,john.willinsky@ubc.ca %K PubMed %K研究传播%K补充和替代医学%K开放获取%K专业发展%K信息检索%K信息管理%K素养%D 2007 %7 29.6.2007 %9原论文%J J Med Internet Res %G English %X背景:PubMed是生命科学领域最大的书目索引。它可以在网上免费获得,供专业人员和公众使用,以了解更多关于医学研究的信息。虽然PubMed主要是为研究人员服务,但它提供了一系列工具和服务,可以帮助更广泛的读者定位、理解、评估和利用医学研究。目的:本研究试图确定一系列PubMed工具和服务对补充和替代医学从业者使用数据库的潜在贡献。方法:在本研究中,10名脊医、7名注册按摩治疗师和1名顺势疗法医生(N = 18),其中11名接受过研究培训,7名未接受过研究培训,通过PubMed进行了2小时的入门课程。本研究考虑的10个PubMed工具和服务可分为三个功能:(1)信息检索(布尔搜索,限制,相关文章,作者链接,MeSH),(2)信息访问(Publisher Link, LinkOut, Bookshelf)和(3)信息管理(历史,发送到,电子邮件警报)。参与者被介绍到6到10个这样的工具和服务。参与者被要求根据他们的信息需求对每个工具或服务的价值提供反馈,这些反馈被分为积极、积极强调、消极或漠不关心。结果:本研究的参与者对PubMed的三种工具和服务(信息检索、访问和管理)表达了兴趣,而不太受欢迎的工具包括MeSH Database和Bookshelf。 In terms of their comprehension of the research, the tools and services led the participants to reflect on their understanding as well as their critical reading and use of the research. There was universal support among the participants for greater access to complete articles, beyond the approximately 15% that are currently open access. The abstracts provided by PubMed were felt to be necessary in selecting literature to read but entirely inadequate for both evaluating and learning from the research. Thus, the restrictions and fees the participants faced in accessing full-text articles were points of frustration. Conclusions: The study found strong indications of PubMed’s potential value in the professional development of these complementary and alternative medicine practitioners in terms of engaging with and understanding research. It provides support for the various initiatives intended to increase access, including a recommendation that the National Library of Medicine tap into the published research that is being archived by authors in institutional archives and through other websites. %M 17613489 %R 10.2196/jmir.9.2.e19 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2007/2/e19/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.9.2.e19 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17613489