TY -的盟Van de带,汤姆·H AU - Engelen吕西安JLPG盟——Berben Sivera AA盟——Teerenstra史蒂文盟——Samsom梅尔文AU -,判给史库禾温Lisette PY - 2013 DA - 2013/10/02 TI -互联网和社会媒体在卫生保健与健康有关的信息和通讯:荷兰一般人群的喜好乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e220六世- 15 - 10 KW -社会媒体KW -病人参与KW -消费者健康信息KW -赋权KW -健康2.0 AB -背景:医疗保健越来越多地使用Web 2.0通信和协作技术,这些技术正在重塑患者和专业人员的交互方式。这些技术或工具可用于各种目的:立即辩论问题、发现新闻、分析研究、与同行建立网络、众包信息、寻求支持和提供建议。并不是所有的工具都成功地实现了;在许多情况下,不使用的流失率很高。对于荷兰普通民众在医疗保健中使用互联网和社交媒体的偏好,我们知之甚少。目的:确定荷兰一般人群在医疗保健中使用互联网和社交媒体的偏好。方法:通过流行的荷兰在线社交网络进行横断面调查。受访者被问及他们在哪里搜索与健康相关的信息,他们如何评价不同来源的价值,以及他们对与医疗保健提供者在线交流的偏好。根据荷兰人口的性别、年龄和教育程度,使用官方统计数据对结果进行了权衡。 Numbers and percentages or means and standard deviations were presented for different subgroups. One-way ANOVA was used to test for statistical differences. Results: The survey was completed by 635 respondents. The Internet was found to be the number one source for health-related information (82.7%), closely followed by information provided by health care professionals (71.1%). Approximately one-third (32.3%) of the Dutch population search for ratings of health care providers. The most popular information topics were side effects of medication (62.5%) and symptoms (59.7%). Approximately one-quarter of the Dutch population prefer to communicate with a health care provider via social media (25.4%), and 21.2% would like to communicate via a webcam. Conclusions: The Internet is the main source of health-related information for the Dutch population. One in 4 persons wants to communicate with their physician via social media channels and it is expected that this number will further increase. Health care providers should explore new ways of communicating online and should facilitate ways for patients to connect with them. Future research should aim at comparing different patient groups and diseases, describing best practices, and determining cost-effectiveness. SN - 14388871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2013/10/e220/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2607 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24088272 DO - 10.2196/jmir.2607 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.2607 ER -