TY - JOUR AU - Silveira, Patrícia AU - van de Langenberg, Rolf AU - van het Reve, Eva AU - Daniel, Florian AU - Casati, Fabio AU - de Bruin, Eling D PY - 2013 DA - 2013/08/12 TI -基于片剂的力量平衡训练,激励和提高独立生活老年人对锻炼的坚持:一项II期临床前探索性试验JO - J Med Internet Res SP - e159 VL - 15 IS - 8 KW -动机KW -锻炼KW -老年KW -片剂KW -移动KW -保健AB -背景:老年人的反应时间、协调能力和认知能力通常会下降,这可能导致步态障碍、摔倒和受伤。强烈建议定期进行力量平衡练习,以减少这一问题,并改善老年人的健康、幸福和独立性。然而,除了其他强大的锻炼障碍外,许多老年人还面临着缺乏动力的问题。我们开发了ActiveLifestyle,这是一个基于信息技术(IT)的积极健康老龄化系统,旨在改善平衡和力量。ActiveLifestyle是一款可以在平板电脑上运行的训练应用程序,它可以帮助、监控并激励老年人在家自主执行个性化的训练计划。目的:目的是:(1)调查哪些it介导的激励策略可以增加老年人对体育锻炼训练计划的坚持,(2)评估ActiveLifestyle对体育活动行为改变的影响,(3)证明ActiveLifestyle训练对提高步态速度的有效性。方法:共有44名老年人遵循个性化的12周力量和平衡训练计划。所有参与者都在家里自主进行练习。调查问卷被用来评估技术的熟悉程度和行为改变的阶段,以及ActiveLifestyle采用的激励工具的有效性。 Adherence to the exercise plan was evaluated using performance data collected by the app and through information given by the participants during the study. Pretests and posttests were performed to evaluate gait speed of the participants before and after the study. Results: Participants were 75 years (SD 6), predominantly female (64%), held a trade or professional diploma (54%), and their past profession was in a sitting position (43%). Of the 44 participants who enrolled, 33 (75%) completed the study. The app proved to assist and motivate independently living and healthy older adults to autonomously perform strength–balance exercises (median 6 on a 7-point Likert scale). Social motivation strategies proved more effective than individual strategies to stimulate the participants to comply with the training plan, as well as to change their behavior permanently toward a more physically active lifestyle. The exercises were effective to improve preferred and fast gait speed. Conclusions: ActiveLifestyle assisted and motivated independently living and healthy older people to autonomously perform strength–balance exercises over 12 weeks and had low dropout rates. The social motivation strategies were more effective to stimulate the participants to comply with the training plan and remain on the intervention. The adoption of assistive technology devices for physical intervention tends to motivate and retain older people exercising for longer periods of time. SN - 14388871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2013/8/e159/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2579 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23939401 DO - 10.2196/jmir.2579 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.2579 ER -