TY - JOUR AU - Feinkohl, Insa AU - Flemming, Danny AU - Cress, Ulrike AU - Kimmerle, Joachim PY - 2016 DA - 2016/03/03 TI -人格因素和前期用户评论对深度脑刺激研究结果处理的影响:在模拟在线论坛中的随机对照实验JO - J医学Internet Res SP - e59 VL - 18 IS - 3kw -医学新闻KW -在线论坛KW -科学素养KW -认识论信念KW -学术自我效能KW -试探性AB -背景:外行经常在基于网络的平台上讨论医学研究成果,但很少知道他们是否掌握这些发现中固有的试探性。到目前为止,几乎没有对涉及了解药物试验性的潜在影响因素进行评估。目的:本研究以脑深部刺激研究为例,探讨人格因素和其他用户以前在网络论坛上的贡献对非专业人士对医学研究结果试探性的理解的影响。方法:我们向70名大学生提供了一篇在线新闻文章,报道了应用脑深部刺激作为一种治疗抑郁症的新方法的发现,而参与者对这种方法并不熟悉。在一个随机对照实验中,我们对论坛进行了操作,让文章附有用户评论来解决试试性问题,或者附有不涉及这个问题的评论,或者文章根本没有评论。参与者被要求写下他们自己的用户评论。测量了他们的科学素养、认识论信念和学术自我效能感。测量的结果是被测者在自己的评论中表现出的试探性和试探性。结果:更复杂的认识论信念增强了试探性的感知(标准化β=。26日,P = .034)。 Greater scientific literacy (stand. β=.25, P=.025) and greater academic self-efficacy (stand. β=.31, P=.007) were both predictors of a more extensive discussion of tentativeness in participants’ comments. When forum posts presented in the experiment addressed the issue of tentativeness, participants’ subsequent behavior tended to be consistent with what they had read in the forum, F2,63=3.66; P=.049, ηp2=.092. Conclusions: Students’ understanding of the tentativeness of research findings on deep brain stimulation in an online forum is influenced by a number of character traits and by the previous comments that were contributed to the forum by other users. There is potential for targeted modification of traits such as scientific literacy, epistemological beliefs, and academic self-efficacy to foster critical thinking in laypeople who take part in online discussions of medical research findings. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2016/3/e59/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.4382 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26940848 DO - 10.2196/jmir.4382 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.4382 ER -