TY -的AU -穆勒,茱莉亚盟-周杰伦,卡罗琳AU -哈珀,西蒙AU -托德,克里斯PY - 2017 DA - 2017/06/08 TI -网络健康信息的作用在求助行为前诊断为肺癌:混合方法研究乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e189六世- 19 - 6千瓦帮助寻求KW -网上健康信息千瓦健康信息寻求KW -肺癌KW -症状评估AB -背景:肺癌的诊断延误可能导致生存机会降低,患者通常要等几个月才出现症状。从首次症状识别到诊断之间的时间被理论化为三个间隔:症状评估、寻求帮助和诊断间隔(这里是“诊断途径”)。需要采取干预措施,以减少肺癌的诊断延误。网络已经成为一个重要的健康信息来源,并可能在这条诊断途径中发挥作用。目的:我们的总体目标是初步了解基于网络的信息是否在肺癌的诊断途径中发挥作用,以评估是否有可能利用这一信息源来减少诊断延误。方法:在研究开始前6个月内被诊断为肺癌的患者完成了一项关于他们是否(以及如何,如果是的话)在诊断前使用网络评估他们的病情的调查。根据调查结果,我们有目的地对患者及其直系亲属进行半结构化访谈(24次访谈;33岁的参与者)。在诊断路径模型的背景下,使用框架分析对访谈数据进行定性分析。 Results: A total of 113 patients completed the survey (age: mean 67.0, SD 8.8 years). In all, 20.4% (23/113) reported they or next-of-kin had researched their condition online before the diagnosis. The majority of searches (20/23, 87.0%) were conducted by or with the help of next-of-kin. Interview results suggest that patients and next-of-kin perceived an impact of the information found online on all three intervals in the time to diagnosis. In the appraisal interval, participants used online information to evaluate symptoms and possible causes. In the help-seeking interval, the Web was used to inform the decision of whether to present to health services. In the diagnostic interval, it was used to evaluate health care professionals’ advice, to support requests for further investigation of symptoms, and to understand medical jargon. Within this interval, we identified two distinct subintervals (before/after relevant diagnostic tests were initiated), in which the Web reportedly played different roles. Conclusions: Because only 20.4% of the sample reported prediagnosis Web searches, it seems the role of the Web before diagnosis of lung cancer is at present still limited, but this proportion is likely to increase in the future, when barriers such as unfamiliarity with technology and unwillingness to be informed about one’s own health are likely to decrease. Participants’ perceptions suggest that the Web can have an impact on all three intervals in the pathway to diagnosis. Thus, the Web may hold the potential to reduce delays in the diagnostic process, and this should be explored in future research and interventions. Our results also suggest a division of the diagnostic interval into two subintervals may be useful. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2017/6/e189/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6336 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28596146 DO - 10.2196/jmir.6336 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.6336 ER -