TY -非盟的奥斯汀,Johanna盟——hillingshead的实验,克里斯蒂盟凯,Jeffrey PY - 2017 DA - 2017/09/06 TI -互联网搜索和他们的关系在老年人认知功能:横断面分析乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e307六世- 19 - 9千瓦——互联网KW——老年病学KW -认知KW -执行功能AB -背景:阿尔茨海默病(AD)是一种非常具有挑战性的经历对于那些受到影响。不幸的是,在临床治疗可能最有效的早期阶段检测阿尔茨海默病具有挑战性,因为临床评估既耗时又昂贵。最近的研究已经证明了认知功能和日常行为之间的密切关系,这一研究途径为早期发现认知衰退提供了很大的希望。随着认知能力下降而改变的一个行为领域是语言使用。使用传统的面对面认知测试,多个小组已经证明了认知功能与词汇量、语言流利性和语义能力之间的密切关系。从生态学角度来看,这种方法的另一种选择可能是利用自动计算机监控软件,在使用计算机时持续捕捉和分析语言使用。目的:这项研究的目的是了解互联网搜索作为语言和老年人认知功能之间的关系。我们假设,认知功能较差的个体在搜索时使用较少的独特术语,使用较短的单词,并在搜索中使用较少的晦涩单词。方法:使用计算机监控软件(WorkTime, Nestersoft Inc)连续跟踪人们在谷歌,Yahoo, Bing和Ask.com上进行搜索时输入的术语。对于所有搜索,标点符号、重音和非ascii字符都被删除,并且在进行任何分析之前对结果搜索词进行拼写检查。 Cognitive function was evaluated as a z-normalized summary score capturing five unique cognitive domains. Linear regression was used to determine the relationship between cognitive function and Internet searches by controlling for variables such as age, sex, and education. Results: Over a 6-month monitoring period, 42 participants (mean age 81 years [SD 10.5], 83% [35/42] female) conducted 2915 searches using these top search engines. Participants averaged 3.08 words per search (SD 1.6) and 5.77 letters per word (SD 2.2). Individuals with higher cognitive function used more unique terms per search (beta=.39, P=.002) and employed less common terms in their searches (beta=1.39, P=.02). Cognitive function was not significantly associated with the length of the words used in the searches. Conclusions: These results suggest that early decline in cognitive function may be detected from the terms people search for when they use the Internet. By continuously tracking basic aspects of Internet search terms, it may be possible to detect cognitive decline earlier than currently possible, thereby enabling proactive treatment and intervention. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2017/9/e307/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7671 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28877864 DO - 10.2196/jmir.7671 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.7671 ER -