TY -的盟Eysenbach冈瑟PY - 1999 DA - 1999/12/31 TI -在线处方Sildanefil(伟哥)在万维网上乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e10六世- 1 - 2 KW -互联网KW -推荐和协商KW -费用KW -制药千瓦处方KW -药物KW -商务KW -医生的实践模式KW -阳痿KW -哌嗪类KW -病史采取KW -医疗保健质量AB -背景:越来越多的处方药,如伟哥®,在互联网上直接向消费者提供和销售。人们对这些“虚拟药房”的结构和“质量”知之甚少,也不知道它们实际上是如何负责任地开出“在线处方”的。目的:确定在明确禁忌症的情况下,伟哥在互联网上销售的程度。方法:在万维网上搜索提供网上处方或无处方销售伟哥的公司。我们假装是一名患者,所订购的药物(伟哥)明显是禁忌症,并试图在互联网上获得该药物的在线处方。我们的测试案例是一名69岁的女性,有“无性高潮”的性史,肥胖(165cm/78kg),冠状动脉疾病和高血压,服用卡托普利,普拉瓦醇,阿替洛尔和红霉素。结果:确定了22家不同的公司,包括三种不同的类型:2家公司需要“真正的”医生的书面处方,9家公司根本不需要处方就可以配药,11家公司在所谓的医生审查了包含医疗问题的在线订单后开出了“在线处方”。我们测试了后一种类型的10个,其中8个在美国。我们总共订购了66片,价值1,802.84美元。 Three companies, among them both European companies, delivered within 6, 10, and 34 days respectively, despite Viagra being clearly contraindicated. In 80% no complete history was taken, in 70% inappropriate medical terminology was used, and in only 2 cases was the order form reviewed by a physician who identified himself. Conclusions: Although a surprisingly high number of Internet pharmacies declined delivery, the public should be alerted to the risks involved with prescription drug prescribing and dispensing via the Internet. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/1999/2/e10/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1.2.e10 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11720919 DO - 10.2196/jmir.1.2.e10 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.1.2.e10 ER -