TY -的AU -劳埃德,海伦AU -小麦,汉娜AU - Horrell,简非盟- Sugavanam Thavapriya盟——Fosh本杰明盟——Valderas Jose M盟——接近詹姆斯PY - 2018 DA - 2018/02/14 TI - Patient-Reported来访者中心协调护理措施:比较域映射和基于web的纲要支持的政策发展和实施乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e54六世- 20 - 2 KW -病人报告结果测量KW -生活质量AB -背景:患者报告测量(PRM)问卷最初用于研究,以衡量干预研究的结果。它们现在已经发展成为一个多样化的工具家族,用于衡量一系列的结构,包括生活质量和护理经验。当前的卫生和社会护理政策越来越多地提倡通过以人为本的协调护理(P3C)等新的护理模式,将患者的声音嵌入到服务重新设计中。如果仔细选择和有效使用,这些工具可以通过各种新颖的方式,包括卫生保健管理和调试的系统级反馈,帮助改善护理提供。就如何使用这些工具提供支持和指导对于实现这些目标至关重要。目的:本研究的目的是通过识别可用于促进P3C发展的P3C-PRMs,将P3C-PRMs映射到现有的P3C领域模型中,以及在用户友好的基于web的数据库中整合和组织信息,为在卫生和社会保健政策中使用P3C-PRMs提供循证指导和支持。方法:采用实用主义方法对候选p3c - prm进行系统识别,以平衡全面性和可行性。这利用了许多资源,包括现有的纲要、同行评议和灰色文献(使用灵活的搜索策略),以及利益相关者的参与(其中包括相关临床领域的指导)。这些候选措施的子集(满足预先指定的合格标准)然后根据P3C的理论模型进行映射,促进对所测量的结构进行分类,并随后生成优先领域的通用P3C措施、P3C的特定方面(例如,沟通或决策)和特定条件措施(例如,糖尿病,癌症)的候选名单,这是利益相关者强调的。 Results: In total, 328 P3C-PRMs were identified, which were used to populate a freely available Web-based database. Of these, 63 P3C-PRMs met the eligibility criteria for shortlisting and were classified according to their measurement constructs and mapped against the theoretical P3C model. We identified tools with the best coverage of P3C, thereby providing evidence of their content validity as outcome measures for new models of care. Transitions and medications were 2 areas currently poorly covered by existing measures. All the information is currently available at a user-friendly web-based portal (p3c.org.uk), which includes all relevant information on each measure, such as the constructs targeted and links to relevant literature, in addition to shortlists according to relevant constructs. Conclusions: A detailed compendium of P3C-PRMs has been developed using a pragmatic systematic approach supported by stakeholder engagement. Our user-friendly suite of tools is designed to act as a portal to the world of PRMs for P3C, and have utility for a broad audience, including (but not limited to) health care commissioners, managers, and researchers. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2018/2/e54/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.7789 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29444767 DO - 10.2196/jmir.7789 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.7789 ER -