TY -的AU -瓦,艾哈迈德盟——销量,秀Huat盟——Lapao路易斯维盟-梅西纳,路易斯必要非盟-专题,豪尔赫·塞萨尔PY - 2020 DA - 2020/10/2 TI -利用远程医疗提供卫生保健:文献计量学和科学计量分析乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e18835六世- 22 - 10 KW -远程医疗KW -科学计量分析KW -证据合成KW -健康信息技术KW -研究KW - AB主题背景:近几十年来,信息技术的进步给远程医疗研究带来了新的动力。远程医疗的这些进展范围从个人到人口,允许交换患者信息以诊断和管理健康问题、初级保健预防以及通过远程学习对医生进行教育。目的:本科学计量学调查旨在考察远程医疗领域的合作研究网络、主导研究主题和学科以及最具开创性的研究成果。这些信息对于科学家、机构和政策利益相关者评估需要更多基础设施或学术贡献的研究领域至关重要。方法:我们使用CiteSpace (version 4.0 R5;它是一个基于java的软件,可以进行科学计量分析,特别是在特定领域的协作网络和研究主题的可视化。结果:我们发现,在过去十年中,学术活动有了显著的增长。大多数重要的工作是由位于高收入国家的机构进行的。观察到从放射学到远程中风、远程皮肤病学、远程精神病学和初级保健的学科特异性转变。 The most important innovations that yielded a collaborative influence were reported in the following medical disciplines, in descending order: public environmental and occupational health, psychiatry, pediatrics, health policy and services, nursing, rehabilitation, radiology, pharmacology, surgery, respiratory medicine, neurosciences, obstetrics, and geriatrics. Conclusions: Despite a continuous rise in scholarly activity in telemedicine, we noticed several gaps in the literature. For instance, all the primary and secondary research central to telemedicine was conducted in the context of high-income countries, including the evidence synthesis approaches that pertained to implementation aspects of telemedicine. Furthermore, the research landscape and implementation of telemedicine infrastructure are expected to see exponential progress during and after the COVID-19 era. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2020/10/e18835 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/18835 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33006571 DO - 10.2196/18835 ID - info:doi/10.2196/18835 ER -