TY - JOUR AU - Marler, Jennifer D AU - Fujii, Craig A AU - Wong, Kristine S AU - Galanko, Joseph A AU - Balbierz, Daniel J AU - Utley, David S PY - 2020da - 2020/10/2 TI -个人交互式一氧化碳呼吸传感器在吸烟人群中的评估:单臂队列研究JO - J Med Internet Res SP - e22811 VL - 22 IS - 10kw -戒烟KW -数字健康KW -智能手机KW -数字传感器KW -一氧化碳KW -呼吸传感器KW -生物反馈AB -背景:烟草使用是可预防的发病率和死亡率的主要原因。现有的循证治疗方法未得到充分利用,而且最近几乎没有创新。个人生物反馈干预在其他疾病状态的成功预示着戒烟的类似机会。Pivot呼吸传感器是一种个人互动设备,可测量呼出气体中的一氧化碳(CO),使用户能够将他们的吸烟行为与CO值联系起来,并跟踪他们减少或戒烟的进展。目的:本研究的目的是评估吸烟者的Pivot呼吸传感器,评估戒烟态度的改变、吸烟行为的改变和使用体验。方法:在线招募美国成年人(18-80岁,每天吸烟≥10支[CPD])进行为期12周的远程研究。参与者完成筛选电话,知情同意和基线问卷,然后邮寄他们的传感器。参与者被要求每天提交4个或更多的呼吸样本,并在1-4周、8周和12周完成问卷调查。结果包括对戒烟的态度(改变阶段、戒烟成功和感知戒烟困难)、吸烟行为(戒烟尝试、CPD减少和7天、30天点流行戒断[PPA])和使用经验(影响和学习)。 Results: Participants comprised 234 smokers, mean age 39.9 (SD 11.3) years, 52.6% (123/234) female, mean CPD 20.3 (SD 8.0). The 4- and 12-week questionnaires were completed by 92.3% (216/234) and 91.9% (215/234) of participants, respectively. Concerning attitude outcomes, at baseline, 15.4% (36/234) were seriously thinking of quitting in the next 30 days, increasing to 38.9% (84/216) at 4 weeks and 47.9% (103/215) at 12 weeks (both P<.001). At 12 weeks, motivation to quit was increased in 39.1% (84/215), unchanged in 54.9% (118/215), and decreased in 6.0% (13/215; P<.001). Additional attitudes toward quitting improved from baseline to 12 weeks: success to quit 3.3 versus 5.0 (P<.001) and difficulty of quitting 2.8 versus 4.3 (P<.001). Regarding smoking behavior, at 4 weeks, 28.2% (66/234) had made 1 or more quit attempts (≥1 day of abstinence), increasing to 48.3% (113/234) at 12 weeks. At 4 weeks, 23.1% (54/234) had reduced CPD by 50% or more, increasing to 38.5% (90/234) at 12 weeks. At 12 weeks, CPD decreased by 41.1% from baseline (P<.001), and 7- and 30-day PPA were 12.0% (28/234) and 6.0% (14/234), respectively. Concerning use experience, 75.3% (171/227) reported the sensor increased their motivation to quit. More than 90% (>196/214) indicated the sensor taught them about their CO levels and smoking behavior, and 73.1% (166/227) reported that seeing their CO values made them want to quit smoking. Conclusions: Use of the Pivot Breath Sensor resulted in a significant increase in motivation to quit, a reduction in CPD, and favorable quit attempt rates. These outcomes confer increased likelihood of quitting smoking. Accordingly, the results support a role for biofeedback via personal CO breath sampling in smoking cessation. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04133064; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04133064 SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2020/10/e22811 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/22811 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32894829 DO - 10.2196/22811 ID - info:doi/10.2196/22811 ER -