TY - JOUR AU - Zhang, AU Xing AU - Hu, AU Wenli AU - Xiao, Quan PY - 2021 DA - 2021/5/4 TI -医疗众筹网站设计特征对信任和捐赠意愿的影响:对照实验室实验JO - J Med Internet Res SP - e25554 VL - 23 IS - 5kw -医疗众筹网站设计KW -基于认知的信任KW -基于情感的信任KW -捐赠意愿AB -背景:医疗众筹作为一种以捐赠为基础的众筹,已逐渐成为支付医疗费用困难的患者向社会寻求帮助的重要途径。然而,很多人对向医疗众筹项目捐款的信心仍然有限。目的:考虑到医疗众筹网站的功能可能对获得用户信任很重要,本研究利用双因素和信任理论,探讨医疗众筹网站的不同设计功能如何影响潜在捐赠者的认知型信任和情感型信任,以及这两种类型的信任如何影响捐赠意愿。方法:采用2(信息性:高vs低)× 2(视觉线索:冷色vs暖色)× 2(社交线索:有vs无)被试间实验室实验来验证我们的研究模型。从中国一所大学招募的320名本科生参加了控制实验室实验。结果:基于认知的信任(β=。528, P<.001)和基于影响的信任(β=。344, P<.001)对医疗众筹潜在捐赠者的捐赠意愿有显著影响。信息性作为卫生因素正向影响潜在献血者的认知信任(f1311 =49.764, P<.001)和情感信任(f1311 =16.093, P<.001),而社会线索作为激励因素显著影响潜在献血者的认知信任(f1311 =38.160, P<.001)和情感信任(f1311 =23.265, P<.001)。 However, the color of the webpages affected the two dimensions of trust differently. Specifically, medical crowdfunding webpages with warm colors were more likely to induce affect-based trust than those with cool colors (F1,311=17.120, P<.001), whereas no significant difference was found between the effects of cool and warm colors on cognition-based trust (F1,311=1.707, P=.19). Conclusions: This study deepens our understanding of the relationships among the design features of medical crowdfunding websites, trust, and intention to donate, and provides guidelines for managers of medical crowdfunding platforms to enhance potential donors’ trust-building by improving the website design features. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2021/5/e25554 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/25554 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33944787 DO - 10.2196/25554 ID - info:doi/10.2196/25554 ER -