陈振宇,吴建强,张建强,AU - Succi, Marc D PY - 2012da - 2021/5/25 TI -新型冠状病毒大流行期间开放获取医学新闻平台的读者特征回顾性观察研究JO - J Med Internet Res SP - e26666 VL - 23is - 5kw - COVID-19 KW -互联网KW -医学新闻KW -文本摘要KW -读者趋势KW -新闻KW -媒体KW -开放获取KW -文献KW -基于网络的健康信息KW -调查KW -截面KW -趋势AB -背景:除了直接访问期刊,还有许多其他选择,比如播客、博客和新闻网站,这些都可以让医生和公众了解最新的医学文献。然而,调查开放获取医学新闻网站的读者特征以及这些特征在COVID-19大流行期间可能发生的变化的文献很少。目的:本研究旨在评估读者人数和调查数据,以表征与COVID-19大流行相关的开放获取医学新闻的读者人数趋势以及与大流行相关的信息传递的总体读者人数趋势。方法:从2分钟医学(2 Minute Medicine)获得匿名、汇总读者数据。2分钟医学是一家开放获取的、由医生运营的医学新闻机构,自2013年以来,该机构已发表了8000多篇由医生撰写的原创文本和新医学研究的视觉摘要。在这项回顾性观察研究中,我们比较了2020年1月1日至5月31日期间发表的COVID-19文章(n=40)和同期发表的非COVID-19文章(n=145)的平均文章浏览量、操作次数(定义为浏览量、分享量和外链点击量的总和)、阅读次数和跳出率(在30秒内离开页面的概率)。一份自愿调查也被发送给订阅的2分钟医学读者,以进一步描述读者的人口统计和偏好,并在李克特量表上进行评分。结果:COVID-19文章的阅读中位数明显高于非COVID-19文章(296 vs 110;U = 748.5; P<.001). There were no significant differences in average read times (P=.12) or bounce rates (P=.12). Non–COVID-19 articles had a higher median number of actions than COVID-19 articles (2.9 vs 2.5; U=2070.5; P=.02). On a Likert scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), our survey data revealed that 65.5% (78/119) of readers agreed or strongly agreed that they preferred staying up to date with emerging literature about COVID-19 by using sources such as 2 Minute Medicine instead of journals. A greater proportion of survey respondents also indicated that open-access news sources were one of their primary sources for staying informed (86/120, 71.7%) compared to the proportion who preferred direct journal article access (61/120, 50.8%). The proportion of readers indicating they were reading one or less full-length medical studies a month were lower following introduction to 2 Minute Medicine compared to prior (21/120, 17.5% vs 38/120, 31.6%; P=.005). Conclusions: The readership significantly increased for one open-access medical literature platform during the pandemic. This reinforces the idea that open-access, physician-written sources of medical news represent an important alternative to direct journal access for readers who want to stay up to date with medical literature. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2021/5/e26666 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/26666 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33866307 DO - 10.2196/26666 ID - info:doi/10.2196/26666 ER -