TY -的盟李普希茨,杰西卡·M AU -范·波斯特,瑞秋盟——Torous约翰AU -弗斯,约瑟夫AU - Lebovitz,茱莉亚G AU - Burdick凯瑟琳E AU -霍根,蒂莫西·P PY - 2022 DA - 2022/10/14 TI -数字精神卫生干预抑郁症:范围的用户参与度乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e39204六世- 24 - 10 KW - mHealth KW -移动应用KW -接触KW -坚持KW -随机对照试验KW -抑郁AB -背景:虽然许多数字心理健康干预措施(DMHIs)已被发现是有效的,但在现实世界的临床环境中,患者参与DMHIs已越来越多地成为实施的一个问题。为了解决参与问题,我们必须首先了解随机对照试验(rct)背景下的标准参与水平是什么,以及它们与其他治疗方法的比较。目的:本综述旨在检查基于移动应用程序的干预措施治疗抑郁症症状的随机对照试验中干预参与的报告状态。我们试图确定哪些用户粘性指标是常规报告的,哪些不是常规报告的,以及报告的指标反映了标准用户粘性水平。方法:我们对7个数据库进行了系统搜索,以确定符合我们的资格标准的研究,即评估成人使用基于移动应用程序的干预的随机对照试验,其中抑郁症状是主要结果。然后,我们从每篇文章中提取2种信息:干预细节和DMHI参与指数。我们的团队导出了最低必要的DMHI业务报告的五要素框架,并指导了我们的数据提取。该框架包括(1)在注册时与参与者沟通的推荐应用程序使用,并在报告时提供应用程序遵守标准;(2)参与干预的人接受干预的比率; (3) level of app use metrics reported, specifically number of uses and time spent using the app; (4) duration of app use metrics (ie, weekly use patterns); and (5) number of intervention completers. Results: Database searching yielded 2083 unique records. Of these, 22 studies were eligible for inclusion. Only 64% (14/22) of studies included in this review specified rate of intervention uptake. Level of use metrics was only reported in 59% (13/22) of the studies reviewed. Approximately one-quarter of the studies (5/22, 23%) reported duration of use metrics. Only half (11/22, 50%) of the studies reported the number of participants who completed the app-based components of the intervention as intended or other metrics related to completion. Findings in those studies reporting metrics related to intervention completion indicated that between 14.4% and 93.0% of participants randomized to a DMHI condition completed the intervention as intended or according to a specified adherence criteria. Conclusions: Findings suggest that engagement was underreported and widely varied. It was not uncommon to see completion rates at or below 50% (11/22) of those participants randomized to a treatment condition or to simply see completion rates not reported at all. This variability in reporting suggests a failure to establish sufficient reporting standards and limits the conclusions that can be drawn about level of engagement with DMHIs. Based on these findings, the 5-element framework applied in this review may be useful as a minimum necessary standard for DMHI engagement reporting. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e39204 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/39204 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36240001 DO - 10.2196/39204 ID - info:doi/10.2196/39204 ER -