AU - JOUR AU - Liang, AU - Wei, AU - Duan, AU - ping, AU - ping - Lippke, Sonia AU - Shang, Borui AU - Lin, Zhihua AU - Wulff, Hagen AU - Baker, Julien Steven PY - 2022 DA - 2022/9/7 TI -中国大学生健康生活方式网络干预的社会心理调节因素:随机对照试验二次分析JO - J Med Internet Res SP - e37563 VL - 24 IS - 9 KW -网络干预KW -体力活动KW -果蔬消费KW -大学生KW -心理社会介质KW -生活方式KW -随机对照试验KW - RCT KW -手机AB -背景:基于网络的多种健康行为改变(MHBC)干预措施在促进中国大学生身体活动(PA)和水果和蔬菜消费(FVC)方面显示出有效性。然而,关于它们对促进中国大学生健康生活方式(即坚持PA和FVC行为建议)的影响的研究有限。此外,需要对MHBC干预成功的显著社会心理中介因素进行研究。目的:本研究旨在检验在中国大学生中开展的为期8周的基于网络的MHBC项目在促进健康生活方式和增强行为改变的心理社会决定因素(意向、自我效能、计划和社会支持)方面的有效性。此外,该研究旨在确定这些社会心理决定因素的变化是否会对直接和持续的生活方式改变产生干预效果。方法:这是一项3组随机对照试验的二次分析。将552名中国大学生随机分为3组:PA优先组(4周PA干预后4周FVC干预)、FVC优先组(4周FVC干预后4周PA干预)和安慰剂对照组。基于健康行动过程方法模型设计干预内容。 Data for analyses were collected at baseline (T0), postintervention assessment (T1), and 12-week follow-up assessment (T2). Results: At baseline, 13.9% (77/552) of the participants maintained a healthy lifestyle. After 8 weeks, more (200/552, 36.2%) participants achieved a healthy lifestyle. PA-first and FVC-first groups were, respectively, 3.24 times and 5 times more likely to adopt a healthy lifestyle than the control group at T1. After 12 weeks, 35.5% (196/552) of the participants adopted a healthy lifestyle. Intervention groups were approximately 2.99 times (PA first) and 4.07 times (FVC first) more likely to adopt a healthy lifestyle than the control group at T2. Intervention effects favored both intervention groups in self-efficacy and planning for PA and in intention and planning for FVC compared with the control condition. In addition, changes in PA self-efficacy and FVC intention mediated intervention effectiveness on the immediate lifestyle change after 8 weeks. Changes in FVC intention were identified as a salient mediator for facilitating sustained lifestyle change after 12 weeks. Conclusions: This study provides empirical evidence for the effectiveness of an 8-week theory- and web-based MHBC intervention program on promoting a healthy lifestyle, self-efficacy and planning for PA, and intention and planning for FVC among Chinese college students. These research findings add new knowledge to the underlying psychosocial mechanisms of successful MHBC interventions. Overall, this study has considerable implications for future web-based MHBC research and practice in terms of addressing PA self-efficacy and FVC intention and helping students to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle independently of whether PA or FVC is addressed first. Trial Registration: NCT03627949; SN - 1438-8871 UR - // UR - UR - DO - 10.2196/37563 ID - info:doi/10.2196/37563 ER -