TY - JOUR AU - Delgado-Ron, Jorge andrau - Jeyabalan, Thiyaana AU - Watt, Sarah AU - Black, stacphanie AU - Gumprich, Martha AU - Salway, Travis PY - 2023 DA - 2023/1/12 TI -用UnACoRN(理解肯定社区,关系和网络)抽样性和性别少数群体青年:网络调查经验SP - e44175 VL - 25 KW -性少数群体KW -变性人KW -性取向KW -转化治疗KW -网络调查KW -调查问卷KW -青少年KW -性少数青年KW -跨性别青年KW -同性吸引KW -性别少数群体KW -健康不平等KW -在线招聘KW -广告KW -社交媒体招聘AB -背景:对性少数群体和性别少数群体进行定期调查对于监测和调查卫生不公平现象至关重要。最近立法禁止所谓的转化治疗,这使得有必要调整青年调查,以覆盖更广泛的SGM人群,包括那些<18岁的人,以及那些可能没有明确的双性恋、女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、变性人和酷儿(2S/LGBTQ)身份的人。目的:我们旨在通过多种面对面和在线渠道分享我们招募SGM青年的经验,并为未来的研究人员分享经验教训。方法:了解肯定社区,关系和网络(UnACoRN)基于网络的调查收集了来自美国和加拿大的9679名(主要是SGM)受访者的英语和法语匿名数据。受访者是在2022年3月至2022年8月期间通过口碑推荐、传单分发、公共汽车广告、社交媒体和色情网站上的付费和无偿活动招募的。我们分析了这些和其他用于招聘的在线资源提供的元数据(例如,Bitly和qualics),并根据计算每个完成调查的成本和其他次要指标,通过招聘地点描述了活动的有效性。结果:大多数参与者通过Meta招募(13,741/16,533,83.1%),主要通过Instagram;88.96%(访问人数:14888 / 18179)的样本是通过付费广告进入调查的。 Overall, the cost per survey was lower for Meta than Pornhub or the bus advertisements. Similarly, the proportion of visitors who started the survey was higher for Meta (8492/18,179, 46.7%) than Pornhub (58/18,179, 1.02%). Our subsample of 7037 residents of Canada had a similar geographic distribution to the general population, with an average absolute difference in proportion by province or territory of 1.4% compared to the Canadian census. Our US subsample included 2521 participants from all US states and the District of Columbia. A total of CAD $8571.58 (the currency exchange rate was US $1=CAD $1.25) was spent across 4 paid recruitment channels (Facebook, Instagram, PornHub, and bus advertisements). The most cost-effective tool of recruitment was Instagram, with an average cost per completed survey of CAD $1.48. Conclusions: UnACoRN recruited nearly 10,000 SGM youth in the United States and Canada, and the cost per survey was CAD $1.48. Researchers using online recruitment strategies should be aware of the differences in campaign management each website or social media platform offers and be prepared to engage with their framing (content selection and delivery) to correct any imbalances derived from it. Those who focus on SGM populations should consider how 2S/LGBTQ-oriented campaigns might deter participation from cisgender or heterosexual people or SGM people not identifying as 2S/LGBTQ, if relevant to their research design. Finally, those with limited resources may select fewer venues with lower cost per completed survey or that appeal more to their specific audience, if needed. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2023/1/e44175 UR - https://doi.org//44175 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36633900 DO - /44175 ID - info:doi//44175 ER -