TY -的盟Patt Madhavi R AU -休斯顿,托马斯•K AU - Jenckes莫丽W盟——金沙,丹尼尔Z AU -福特,丹尼尔·E PY - 2003 DA - 2003/5/15 TI -医生使用电子邮件与他们的病人:定性探索乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e9六世- 5 - 2 KW -电子邮件千瓦互联网KW -医患关系KW交流AB -背景:尽管有快速、异步、文档化通信的潜力,但使用电子邮件进行医患之间的通信还没有被广泛采用。目的:调查目前每天与患者使用电子邮件的医生,以了解他们的经验。方法:对45名目前使用电子邮件与患者进行深入电话采访的医生进行录音并逐字转录。两名调查人员对评论进行了独立的定性编码。分歧由小组一致意见来裁决。结果:几乎所有来自这些每天使用电子邮件与患者沟通的医生的642条评论都可以归为4个主要领域中的1个:(1)电子邮件的访问和内容,(2)电子邮件对医患关系的影响,(3)通过电子邮件管理临床问题,(4)将电子邮件融入办公室流程。最一致的主题是电子邮件通信增强了慢性疾病的管理。许多医生还报告说,在应对非紧急问题时,护理的连续性得到了改善,灵活性也增加了。将电子邮件集成到日常工作流程中,例如对办公室人员的利用,似乎是许多医生关心的一个重要领域。 For other issues, such as content, efficiency of e-mail, and confidentiality, there were diverging experiences and opinions. Physicians appear to be selective in choosing which patients they will communicate with via e-mail, but the criteria for selection is unclear. Conclusions: These physician respondents did perceive benefits to e-mail with a select group of patients. Several areas, such as identifying clinical situations where e-mail communication is effective, incorporating e-mail into office flow, and being reimbursed for online medical care/communication, need to be addressed before this mode of communication diffuses into most practices. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2003/2/e9/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.5.2.e9 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12857665 DO - 10.2196/jmir.5.2.e9 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.5.2.e9 ER -