TY -的盟亿康先达西蒙盟——Bruppacher鲁道夫盟——Ruppanner汉斯AU - Hersberger,库尔特·E PY - 2004 DA - 2004/3/3 TI -瑞士社区药房”在网络上和药剂师的经验与电子商务:纵向研究和网络问卷调查乔- J地中海互联网Res SP e9六世- 6 - 1 KW -网站KW -社区药店KW -——关系KW -医疗保健质量KW -电子商务KW - e-pharmacies KW -瑞士AB -背景:社区药房有多种方式在互联网上展示自己,例如,作为药品信息平台或作为其服务的广告平台。目的:估计32个月期间(2000-2003年)瑞士社区药店在互联网上的数量,描述他们目前的电子商务服务,并探讨这些药店在互联网上的经验和计划。方法:通过2000年、2001年和2003年的互联网搜索,进行了一项纵向研究,以确定网上瑞士德国药店的数量。2002年4月,进行了一项基于互联网的横断面调查,以探讨药店关于其网站的经验和计划。结果:截至2003年4月,瑞士德语区852家社区药店中有373家(44%)在互联网上。184人列出了电子邮件地址,并被要求完成一份调查问卷。在回答调查问题的107家药店中(回复率为58%):46%的药店使用互联网1至2年;33%的网站是制药集团门户网站的一部分;31%的药店计划在未来扩大他们的互联网形象; 74% provide e-commerce services, with 81% of those pharmacies filling five or less orders per month; and 12% plan on expanding their e-commerce services in the future. Conclusions: The number of community pharmacies offering Internet services steadily increased over 32 months. Given the importance of the Internet as a tool for information, communication, and advertising for pharmacy products and services, it can be expected that the increase will continue. Pharmacy-group portals are important promoters of pharmacies on the Internet. For many community pharmacies, Internet portals that provide an Internet presence for the pharmacies and provide regularly-updated content (e.g., health news, tips, drug information) seem to be the most effective solutions. Even though 40% of the pharmacies already offer e-commerce services, these services are still of minor importance. For many pharmacists, the current legal regulations seem to be unclear. Most pharmacies want to maintain their Internet services. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2004/1/e9/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6.1.e9 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15111275 DO - 10.2196/jmir.6.1.e9 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.6.1.e9 ER -