TY -非盟的闪烁,萨拉非盟-戈德堡,Eudice盟——阅读,斯坦利AU - Veinot,蒂芙尼非盟-麦克勒兰德,Alex AU - Saulnier保罗AU -斯金纳,哈维PY - 2004 DA - 2004/9/29 TI - HIV阳性的青年在互联网上的观点和电子健康乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e32六世- 6 - 3 KW -青年KW - HIV KW -互联网KW -健康促进AB -背景:在全球范围内,一半的艾滋病毒新感染发生在年轻人中。尽管发生了这种情况,但为艾滋病毒阳性青年提供的资源严重缺乏。目的:调查艾滋病毒阳性青年的互联网接入、使用和可接受性,以作为促进健康和提供卫生服务的手段。方法:以社区为基础的参与式方法进行混合方法研究。对安大略地区感染艾滋病毒的青年(12-24岁)进行了35次定性深入的半结构化访谈。此外,在访谈期间进行了简短的结构化人口调查。一个由感染艾滋病毒的青年、专业人员和研究人员组成的利益攸关方团体就新出现的主题合作分析了数据。结果:在青年使用和使用互联网作为促进健康战略的兴趣方面,确定了五个主要主题。这些因素包括:(1)互联网使用率和接入率高;(2)公共终端和私有终端的问题; (3) their use of the Internet primarily for communication and entertainment; (4) the rarity of health information seeking behavior in this group; and (5) wanting "one-stop shopping" from an e-health site. HIV-positive youth were enthusiastic about the possibility of content that was developed specifically to target them and their needs. Also, they were keen about the possibilities for increased social support that youth-specific online chat rooms and message boards might provide. Conclusion: Given high rates of use, access and interest, the Internet provides an important way to reach young people living with HIV using health services and health promotion programs. The onus is on e-Health developers to understand the particular needs of HIV-positive youth and create relevant content. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2004/3/e32/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6.3.e32 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15471758 DO - 10.2196/jmir.6.3.e32 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.6.3.e32 ER -